Netflix is the best OTT application that is available for the users to watch and to remain entertained at the time of boredom. But still, there are certain things related to the application that the user will need to deal with as there are so many technologies and features that are associated with the workings of the application. Connection problems are the ones that are very common the viewers of the application are seen struggling with the fix of this very often.
Netflix connection problems on various devices
Another notable thing related to Netflix is that the application is really very well compatible with all the different types of operating systems. So, this Netflix connection problem can be there on any device. It can be on a blue ray device, it can also be on the smart TV or it can be on a set-top box or any other media player.
But there is nothing to worry about; here we will discuss how the user can easily bring the application out of all of these problems and can further ensure efficient workings of it just as required.
Fixing the issue on the Blue-ray player
For fixing the Netflix connection issue on a blue-ray player, you are advised to conduct the steps given below:
- Check the internet connection
- You can conduct a network connection test from the device settings
- You can also try streaming the service on a different app using the internet
If the issue still remains, then for a fix to this you should sign out of the account and should sign in again and check.
Restarting home network
If the issue still remains, then for a fix to this the next thing to do is to get the home network restarted.
For restarting the home network, you will need to follow the steps given below:
- Either switch off or unplug the device
- Unplug the modem for a while
- Plug the modem again and then wait for the indicator to go off
- After this, turn on the device and see if Netflix is working
- Fixing the issue on set-top box or streaming media player
- In this case, for fixing the issue, follow the steps as given below:
- Check and fix the internet connection issue
- Also, check the profile name if there are any special characters in it, then the Netflix profile name needs to be changed.
- After this, please try using Netflix again
If even after this the issue remains then for further fix the user will need to sign out of the account and will have to sign in again.
Also, for a fix to this, you can try conducting a restart of the device, for restarting the device, you will need to follow certain steps.
Those steps, for restarting the device are as follows:
- Please unplug your device from the power supply
- After unplugging press the power button on the device and get it discharged
- Then, plug your device back
- After this, turn on your device
- And also try using Netflix again
If in case, this same issue is to be fixed on a smart TV, then for that you will need to follow a certain set of steps.
The set of steps goes as follows:
- First of all, check the internet connection
- Get the network connection checked through the device settings
- Reloading Netflix app:
- For reloading of the application follow the steps given below:
- From the error screen click on “More details”
- Next, choose “Reload Netflix”
- After reloading the app one should try using it again
If the problem is still not fixed, then you should sign out of Netflix and then should sign in again and see if that helps.
You can also conduct a restart of the home network if in case that is required sometimes this also helps in the fix
Restarting home network on smart TV
For this to be done, you will need to follow the steps as given below:
- You are advised to unplug the smart TV
- Then, please unplug the modem from the main power source
- After plugging in the modem once again, the user will need to wait for the lights to stop blinking
- Next after turning your smart TV on try using the app again
Fixing the issue on X BOX 360
For this to be done, you will have to take the steps given below:
- Check the internet connection
- Also, test the network connection
- You can also try using a different app, if the app does not open then that means the device is not connected to the internet
If the issue still remains, then for a fix to this please sign out your Netflix account for signing out your account follow the steps written here:
- While your app is still logged in press the red B button given on the X box 360 remote
- Choose settings from the on-screen menu
- After that, choose “sign out”
- Next, choose yes for confirmation
- After this sign in again and see if Netflix is working
If by any chance you are not able to get your settings icon, and then follow the steps as provided here:
- While you are still logged in to the app you can use the arrows on the remote
- Further, choose sign out, start over or reset or deactivate
- After this, sign in again and try using Netflix again
So, these are all the ways and means through which you can easily fix the Netflix connection problems. If you are still in a problem then the best way to get through this issue would be to ask for help from a team of trained and certified experts available at Netflix Customer Care Help UK. Well, none of the procedures as they have been discussed here are tough but one would need to have the right amount of technical knowledge for that, and not most of the users possess that.