Living with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can be challenging, and it can also take a toll on all aspects of a person’s life. A full two-thirds of adults with ADHD have at least one other condition, according to experts. And this other condition is usually depression.
People with ADHD struggle more than people without it and more than people who struggle with other mental health conditions.
The link between adult ADHD and depression
One of the primary reasons people with ADHD are always struggling is that the disorder is constantly there. It is present from childhood and doesn’t go away. There is a constant and slow erosion of quality from their life. It affects every aspect of their lives, including work, relationships, friendships, and daily life management, such as staying organized and paying timely bills.
Kids with ADHD are less likely to graduate from high school and college. Adults with ADHD are likely to get divorced or to be fired from a job.
Signs to look for in Adult ADHD and Depression
People with ADHD can be prone to depression, but it can be harder to manage the symptoms of ADHD being depressed. For that reason, it is better to keep a lookout for the signs of depression. Here are a few key signs to look for in adult ADHD and depression:
Excessive eating and weight gain or starving and losing weight.
Things you liked doing once don’t make you feel good anymore.
You don’t have the get-up-and-go personality.
You wake up early morning and aren’t well-rested.
If you can relate to these signs, you do not have to dwell in a deeper depression. Antidepressants may help, but other things like ADHD treatments for adults can be more effective.
Here are more tips that can help with coping with ADHD induced depression/anxiety:
Spend time with a therapist
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is highly effective in treating depression, whether you use it alone or along with an antidepressant.
Move your body
Another great way to beat depression is by working out a little. Regular exercising at the gym, jogging, or yoga can also effectively help manage stress and reduce the signs of depression in a person. When you are depressed, you are less likely to get out of bed and your room. However, if you force yourself, even if you walk only for 5 minutes a day, you will feel much better, and eventually, you may feel the kick to go even longer.
Stay connected with your loved ones
It may be easy to stay at home and feel blue, but forcing yourself to go out and spend time with your friends can boost your mood and help you feel less anxious/depressed.
ADHD can take a toll on your life. For that reason, it is crucial to managing it in different ways. Consider taking online ADHD medication management to ease your symptoms and feel better.