Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs, in which the pulmonary alveoli become inflamed and filled with fluid or pus. The most common symptoms of pneumonia are cough, fever, chills, chest pain and shortness of breath. The diagnosis of pneumonia made an objective examination, during which the lungs were listened to with a stethoscope to detect gargling or crunching. If pneumonia is suspected, your doctor may recommend blood tests, chest X-rays, pulse oximetry, sputum examination, etc. The main treatment for pneumonia is to take antibiotics with plenty of water. In addition, medications and other methods of treatment depend on the severity of pneumonia. Treatment with antibiotics should begin as soon as possible after the diagnosis of pneumonia.

What is pneumonia?

Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs, in which the pulmonary alveoli are filled with fluid, so that not enough oxygen can enter the bloodstream. It can range from mild to severe, and you need to go to the hospital. Lifestyle, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can increase the likelihood of pneumonia.

What are the most common symptoms of pneumonia?

Symptoms of pneumonia can vary depending on age, microbial causation and general health. Common symptoms of pneumonia include:

  • Chest pain
  • Cough with phlegm
  • Tiredness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fever and chills
  • Allais
  • Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
  • Difficulties breathing

What are the causes of pneumonia?

Bacteria, viruses and fungi can cause pneumonia. Below are the most common microbes that cause pneumonia:

  • Influenza virus
  • Cold viruses
  • RSV virus
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria

How is Pneumonia Diagnosed?

Procedure for the diagnosis of pneumonia which may include tests:

  1. Blood test

The blood test confirms the infection and identifies the causative microorganism as a bacterium, fungus or virus.

2. X-ray chest

Chest X-ray will help the doctor diagnose pneumonia and show the severity and location of the infection.

3.Pulse oximetry

With pneumonia, an infection can prevent the lungs from passing a large amount of oxygen into the bloodstream. Therefore, pulse oximetry measures the oxygen content in the blood and diagnoses pneumonia.


This test involves taking a sample of fluid from the lungs after a deep cough to determine the pathogen and the site of the infection.

What complications can arise after the late diagnosis of pneumonia?

If the diagnosis of pneumonia is delayed, various complications may occur, which will be described below:


  1. Bacteremia

In this case, bacteria or viruses spread through the bloodstream. As a result, septic shock or organ failure may occur.

2.Problems with breathing

In this case, fluid from the infection spreads to the lungs, and until the lung heals, it is necessary to use a respirator.

3.Lung abscess

In this case, pus pockets form in or around the lungs.

How is Pneumonia Treated?

Treatment of pneumonia is the next step after the diagnosis of pneumonia, as it can be life threatening. Treatment depends on the severity of the infection, the microorganism, the symptoms and the general state of health. Treatment options include:


  1. Antibiotics

For the treatment of bacterial pneumonia, antibiotics are prescribed. If the symptoms do not improve, your doctor may recommend other antibiotics.

2.Cough Remedy

This is the medicine used to relieve a strong cough. If your cough worsens, the symptoms of pneumonia cannot be easily treated. So, this is the best option to get rid of the cough first.

3.Pills pain

Your doctor may prescribe aspirin, ibuprofen and paracetamol to relieve body pain and reduce fever.

How can you treat the symptoms of pneumonia at home?

Traditional antibiotics may not be effective against viral pneumonia. In this case, your doctor may prescribe antiviral drugs to treat the viral infection. There are some home remedies that are also very effective in controlling and treating the symptoms of pneumonia at home, as described below:


  • Control your fever with aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Drink plenty of water for hydration
  • Drink hot drinks, take steam baths and use a humidifier to facilitate breathing.
  • Quitting smoking to cure your lungs
  • Rest until you are fully recovered

Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs, in which the lungs are filled with fluid. It can be caused by bacteria, fungi or viruses. The most common symptoms of pneumonia are chest pain, cough, chills and vomiting. The diagnosis of pneumonia can be made through various tests, such as blood tests, chest X-rays, pulse oximetry, or sputum examination. If pneumonia is not diagnosed in time, it can lead to various complications such as lung deficiencies, difficulty breathing, bacteremia, etc. After the diagnosis of pneumonia, the choice of treatment procedure depends on many factors. Popular treatment options include antibiotics, cough suppressants and antipyretic agents. Some home remedies can also help relieve the symptoms of pneumonia.