If you’re already wearing a hair topper, you’re probably satisfied with your purchase and finding that your hair is fuller, thicker and more voluminous than before. If you are a newcomer, however, and are interested in purchasing your very first hair topper online, here are some common human hair topper mistakes you should avoid.

Not choosing the right color or blending

While hair toppers come in many styles and colors that work with a wide variety of hair types, it’s important that you get one that matches the color of your natural hair. At the very least, it should blend with your natural hair color. Remember, unlike women’s human hair wigs which cover your full head, toppers are only meant to complement and/or blend with your existing hair.

choosing the right hair color

It will look very unnatural and weird to say the least if you have naturally brown hair with a topper on the side of your head that is blonde and doesn’t blend whatsoever.

Not buying the correct size topper

Size is also important when choosing a hair pieces for thinning hair. A perfectly measured and fitted topper will not only cover any bald or thinning spots on your head, but will also look extremely natural and give you the security and confidence you desire.

Just imagine having one that is too big and your hair seems uneven as a result. It could be worse and you may get a smaller one than required which doesn’t completely conceal your thinning hair or hair loss area which defeats the very purpose of getting a topper in the first place.

Not installing or removing the topper properly

Perhaps the most important mistake people make with hair toppers is not installing or removing it properly. Hair toppers are usually clipped onto the wearer’s hair and it’s important that you have at least an inch of healthy and thick hair to attach it to. Attaching it to thin or fine hair, on the other hand, will only lead to damage to your hair.

This is especially the case during the removal process where sometimes people can yank it out which can rip the hair out and lead to hair loss. Instead, unclip the topper one by one before gently removing it.


Interested in learning more about human hair toppers? Browse through our website Superhairpieces