The Longchamp Le Pliage bags is one of the most reasonably priced high-end purses available. With polyester canvas being the majority of the bag’s construction, it is very durable while maintaining an extremely reasonable price.

My size bag is around £85, the backpack costs approximately £75, the extra-large costs approximately £105, and the tiny costs approximately £75. The compact size is ideal for younger females who are looking for their first handbag or their first premium purse. The backpack is ideal for moms and anyone who want a more straightforward, practical style of clothing.

The large is the size I have, and I think it’s a fantastic ‘classic’ sized tote handbag for everyday use, while the extra-large is more of an overnight bag, but it’s also popular with the maximalist fashion crowd in collaboration prints (like the Jeremy Scott bags) or as a man bag, as seen in the images below.

If you are shopping on a budget and just want a traditional Le Pliage bag for everyday use, I recommend the big size, which costs roughly £85 and is what I have. You can’t go wrong with this size! Also, keep a lookout for them on sale; the seasonal colors are sometimes discontinued, and you can get them for a pretty good deal if you buy them in bulk.

The Longchamp Le Pliage Bag Ideal Size?

The traditional Longchamp Le Pliage Club travel bag in size ‘Large’ holds everything you need for the day, including your laptop computer.

It’s the ideal Mary Poppins purse, don’t you think? The bag has enough room for a laptop (with a cover) and/or iPad, together with headphones, a phone, a big purse, keys, a make-up bag, a book, and maybe an extra layer of clothes. It really does have a lot of space inside! Other than that, it’s a fantastic carry-all bag!

The only thing you should be concerned about is that if you put a lot of rough or odd-shaped items inside, it will not bulge in funny places due to the fact that it is not structured.

This bag is also one of my favorites because no matter how much I stuff into it, it never becomes too heavy because the bag itself is lightweight, so you only really feel the weight of the items you’re carrying, not the weight of the bag itself, which, as anyone who has carried heavy bags as the Chanel GST knows, can become quite heavy!