Premium is the amount a person pays in exchange for his vehicle’s coverage from an insurance company. Usually, premiums are divided into monthly instalments, or the entire amount can be paid upfront as an annual payment. During your vehicle usage, you may realize that though your driving habits have hardly changed even then, the premiums you need to pay have risen gradually.

You may wonder why the premiums have been shooting up year after year. This happens even with the best car insurance. If you want to get the best out of a policy, consider switching your insurer. Over time, new insurance providers arrive, giving consumers better offerings at affordable pricing. Research car insurance online to find a plan that best suits your vehicle needs.

Switching over to a new insurer if you are getting better coverage seems to be a sensible thing to do. However, before you implement that plan, you need to do some introspective work. Ask yourself if the switching is necessary? What do you really need and not need from insurance cover? How do different policies really differ?  Also figure out the factors affecting your premium, to see if you can tweak something and save further with an insurer. With this background, you will make wise decisions.

It is highly improbable the vehicle owners will pay the same premiums when they renew their vehicle insurance policies with the same insurance provider year on year. So, we discuss here some reasons for the escalating premiums.



If you have moved to a new locality or changed your garaging situation (at home or work), you may expect revised premiums because of the potential risks associated with the new zone. For example, if you have moved to live in an area classified as a high crime rate zone, then even the slightest of things like where you park your vehicle or how often you drive in that area can drastically raise your premium.


Insurance business running costs

Just like the cost-of-living increases over a period, your insurance provider’s business running costs also increase from time to time. For a company to thrive, it must have sufficient funds to pay out when consumers claim. Sometimes the existing customers need to pay more in premiums to compensate for the rising sustenance costs.



Inflation affects most items of purchase. The impact of inflation can be observed on vehicle prices, too. The increase in the worth of cars and car repairs implicitly means the cost of getting insurance cover also climbs up.


Spiralling risks

When there is a surge in road calamities, vehicle-related crimes, extreme weather events, natural disasters, or any other contributing factors to a claim, the insurers find themselves in a tight spot. The insurance providers may considerably push up the premiums because of the increased risk to manage the payouts for subsequent claims.

Or, it may be because you are considered a higher risk on the road. If you have been fined for driving illegally or made an insurance claim in the past year then these factors will increase your premium too. 

While these are some of the most common factors affecting premium prices, know that although you find similar insurance products online, they may still be offered at different pricing. This is because every company weighs the various rating factors differently when they calculate the premiums. They come up with a final figure for a particular policy for each specific customer. Insurance providers consider the insurance risk statistics and claim history of customers in determining the premium, along with many other factors.

That is why we suggest that you compare car insurance online and purchase the best car insurance that covers all your vehicle needs at economical pricing. When the insurers are out there ready to offer you top-notch products and services at reasonable prices, we think you should go out and grab them with both hands.