Why must two rakats of salah be offered following Tawaf but before the Sa’i ritual? What is the heritage of Maqam e Ibrahim and what is its objective? After reading the “Essential Facts of Maqam e Ibrahim” section of this blog, you will have all the answers to all these questions.

Maqam e Ibrahim:

The Arabic term maqam denotes “a spot or point where a person’s feet put while standing.” Khalil-ul-Allah was the title of Allah’s Prophet Ibrahim. Therefore, the “Station of Ibrahim” is also known as Maqam e Ibrahim or Maqam Ibrahim.

According to the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)

“Ibrahim’s destination is the stone.” Allah made it soft and merciful. Ismail (RA) would hand the stones to Ibrahim (RA) as he stood on it.”

Like seeing other sacred places, seeing this area is a spiritual experience for Muslims, whether for Umrah and Hajj or any other purpose.

The Maqam e Ibrahim has a long and illustrious history.

According to Islamic mythology, Adam erected the Kaabah for the first time (AS). However, the construction of the Kaaba was severely harmed by Noah’s flood (AS). So, after a long period, Allah commanded both of his prophets, Ibrahim (AS) and Ismail (AS), to construct the Kaaba (AS).

Hira, Thubay, Labanan, Toor, and Jabal Al Khayr were the five varieties of mountain stones utilized to construct the Kaaba.

For the construction of the Kaaba, a particular stone known as Maqam e Ibrahim was employed. Muslims believe that three stones, one of Hajr e Aswad, the other of Israel’s rock, as well as the third of Maqam e Ibrahim, came from Heaven.

What is Maqam e Ibrahim’s objective?

Ibrahim (A.S) utilized this stone to finish the upper half of the Kaaba during its construction. While Ismail (A.S) gave him the material to build the upper section of Allah’s House, Ibrahim (A.S) stood on it.

It is one of the Prophet Ibrahim’s (AS) miracles sent from Heaven specifically for him. And the stone used to be soft when Ibrahim (A.S) used it to stand on it, and his feet dug into it.

As a result, the imprint of his feet on this stone may still be seen today, just as it was centuries ago. The big rock was left outside the Kaaba after its construction was completed.

Even if the Kaaba was erected or the summons to Hajj was accurate, the stone idea was softened when Abraham stood on it.

Some say that when the Kaaba was finished, Allah told His Prophet Ibrahim (AS) to call people to the pilgrimage (Hajj). Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) stood on this stone at the call, and his footprint is still visible.

Maqam e Ibrahim’s spot:

According to the Holy Quran, Maqam e Ibrahim was located near the Kaaba’s wall. However, its location was altered during the reign of Umar Farooq, the Second Caliph (RA).

Allah Almighty granted three wishes to Umra bin Khattab (RA), according to him. One among these (wishes) was his suggestion to the Prophet (PBUH) that the Maqam-e-Ibrahim be turned into a place of prayer.

The Maqam was added to the Kaaba at the time of Ibrahim. The former position of the stone was altered during the time of the 2nd Caliph, Umar (RA), to make it simpler to do Tawaf and offer prayer. All the Sahabah recognized this deed because Umar proposed that it be used as a place of worship.

As a result, he relocated the rock and shifted the Maqam to the east. As a result, the Maqam e Ibrahim may now be found in front of the Kaaba’s main entrance.

What should you do when visiting Maqam e Ibrahim?

Pilgrims only want to give the 2 rakats of prayer behind the Maqam Ibrahim during the Hajj and Umrah. Tawaf is not completed unless prayer is offered; otherwise, Tawaf is not finished.

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