Building market share is a significant concern for businesses of all industries. The competition is stiff no matter where your products lie in the consumer needs of your customers, so everything that you can leverage for greater marketplace control should be utilized for the best results. One area where brands are finding a great boost to their bottom line is the use of search engine optimization tools (SEO).

SEO is not new, but for many businesses, a long history of SEO implementation is simply not in their past. Thankfully, optimization processes are perfect for getting the ball rolling for a new business. Wherever you stand today, with the help of a professional SEO partner you can begin to command greater search volume and market share with ease.

SEO processes start with keyword research.

One of the foundational elements of the SEO cycle is the process of researching keywords and building an SEO strategy that will propel your content creation plan for the coming weeks and months. Crafting high-quality content is crucial when it comes to planning your advertising calendar, and the first step toward building this network of attention-grabbing content is the keyword research phase.

Keyword research revolves around strategy and planning. SEO professionals use a suite of tools—like the plethora of available SearchAtlas SEO tools—to identify both long and short-tail keywords and phrases that consumers are looking for online. For example, if you are in the furniture sales industry, targeting words and phrases such as “best recliner” or “most comfortable cushions” or “sofa bed” might represent the perfect way to enhance your brand’s SERP penetration. SearchAtlas is at the forefront of digital media marketing, and the toolbox used by SearchAtlas clients speaks volumes to this point.

Research processes that put your brand in the best position for success are often downplayed by many who don’t understand the full weight of the SEO process. Those new to the world of search engine optimization might think that they can just get by with a generalized approach, but it’s in these early stages of the optimization process where the battle is really won or lost. This is why SearchAtlas prioritizes tools that focus on the strategy that comes before any content creation is done.

Build content with a purpose.

The other side of the SEO coin is all about content creation. Building great content isn’t just about writing informative scripts or blog posts. In order to create the type of content that will drive traffic—and the resulting bump in sales that comes from higher organic turnover—you have to serve a purpose in the lives of your clients. Building content with the reader or viewer’s needs in mind is the best way to ensure that you will continue to provide value to your clients, customers, and users. This is a surefire way to drive continuously improving traffic numbers and turnover as a result.

Content that doesn’t help the reader is easily spotted by consumers. In today’s fast-paced digital world, people are searching for answers to all kinds of questions, and because of the sheer weight of the combined internet, readers don’t wait around long to find out the answers. If your page isn’t providing the information that a reader has come for, they won’t hesitate to back out into the Google or Bing search results page and try somewhere else, leaving you in the dust in the process.

Building organic traffic and sales is all about providing value—in other words, you need to keep readers who have found your content engaged and interested. Providing value is the best way to grow your market share and it all begins with a full-service suite of SEO tools.