There are many people in the world who experience a situation where they need money quickly, and there is no other option but to borrow from somebody else or take a loan from your bank. This requires being able to obtain a loan at decent rates of interest with an acceptable amount of security if needed. Also, it requires you to have a good credit score and to comply with tons of complicated formalities that take forever to complete. Even after completing all such formalities, you can’t be sure if you will qualify for the loan.
Among the many reasons you need a car collateral loans in place of a traditional bank loan, the following are the prime reasons:
Reasons Why You Should Turn To Car Title Loans
Reason 1: Fast cash
A title loan is ideal for people who find themselves in a situation where they need cash fast. Unlike a bank loan or a traditional loan, you do not need to provide complicated documentation that may take days to process. With a title loan, you are required to give the vehicle title which serves as collateral for the loan that you are taking. You can have the money within 24 hours of applying for such a loan.
Reason 2: A good amount of cash
The amount you can borrow from a car title loan in Vancouver is usually up to $40,000 according to the value of the vehicle you own. Since your primary concern at the moment is getting money fast, you will find this type of loan very convenient. The traditional loans, on the other hand, are very hard to get. On top of all the formalities and processes you have to go through, you only get a small percentage of the value of your car which is hardly enough to cover your expenses.
Reason 3: More Transparency And Satisfaction
It is always best to borrow from a lending institution that offers loans in the form of vehicle loans. With many traditional lenders out there, the loan amounts they offer are usually very low. However, with a vehicle pawn loan you can be sure that you will have enough cash to use for satisfying your quick cash needs. Additionally, these lenders are utterly transparent in their loan processing and don’t have any hidden charges or costs. They disclose everything honestly and prepare the borrower about what they can expect from them. One such lender is Super Collateral Loans, which offers loans at transparent and friendly terms.
Benefits Of Car Collateral Loans
Borrow For 4 Years
It is a loan that usually comes with a term. It usually lasts for about 4 years. This is really good because it means that you can get the money very fast and pay it off easily at the end of the term. You get an appropriate amount of money to satisfy your needs and you get sufficient time for repayment also.
2. Keep The Hold Of Your Car
You get to keep your car even for the duration of the loan. In case of traditional loans, you have to keep the car with the bank if you are borrowing against it, so you are not able to put it to personal use. But with a car collateral loans Vancouver, you can keep it and use it without any worries; all the car loan company in Vancouver needs is the clear title papers of the car and a set of spare keys.
3. No Prepayment Penalty
There are no penalties if you want to pay the car collateral loans Vancouver off early. You are free to pay it off whenever you feel you have enough funds and want to get the title of your car back in your hands. You can even pay it off before the term ends, which is unlike the traditional loans, which require you to go through the whole duration or pay a certain penalty.
4. Convenient Terms Of Loan
The loan is offered at fairly convenient terms and conditions. Keeping the requirements and preferences of the borrower in mind, the loan terms are discussed and decided to be the most friendly. It helps build longer lasting relations and makes the loan very easy to get.
5. Credit Score Of The Borrower Is Irrelevant
For a car pawn loan, the credit score of the borrower doesn’t matter. People with a bad credit history are eligible and this is really good. This gives the customer a chance to rebuild their credit history indirectly. The borrower just needs to have a car with positive equity and clear title as security for the loan and the credit history of the borrower is irrelevant to decide their qualification for the loan.
Demerits Of Car Title Loans
1. High Or Floating Interest Rates
Car title loans Vancouver have higher and variable interest rates. This is because while the loan is very safe and convenient for the borrowers, it is risky and unsafe for the lenders. At no point can they be sure that they will get their money back. This is why they keep the interest loan a bit higher than the traditional loans. However, if you go for a good lender like Super Collateral Loans, they offer you industry’s most competitive rate so that no party is put in jeopardy.
2. Risk Of Losing The Vehicle
In this type of a loan, the title of your vehicle serves as a collateral. This means that your car is at risk of being possessed in case you fail to pay your loan back on time. This remains as one of the biggest concerns for the borrowers. However, if you go for a good lender such as Super Collateral Loans, they do not make it mandatory for you to hand over your car title to them and find a way for you to pay back the loan without having to let go of your car.
In conclusion, it can be said that the car collateral loans Vancouver have reasonable benefits to offer to the borrowers. It can be used to satisfy any need like emergency cash requirements, daily expenses or even installment payment on other loans. So, it is a great loan to have in the time of need.