Software development is one of the most competitive technological sectors. This is not something new, as it has been like this for many years. However, it has had a constant evolution in terms of methodologies or, in other words, the ways in which software design planning is carried out, basically with the aim of improving, optimizing processes and offering better quality.
A Method is composed of various aspects that will allow us to achieve a goal. It is more clearly defined as a set of tools, which used through the correct techniques, allow the execution of processes that will lead us to meet the objectives we seek.
What is a Methodology?
In software development, a methodology places a certain emphasis on the environment in which the system development is proposed and structured. As I mentioned at the beginning, there are a large number of programming methodologies that have been used since ancient times and that have evolved over time. This is mainly due to the fact that not all information systems are compatible with all methodologies, since a software life cycle can be variable.
What are Software Development Methodologies?
A software development methodology consists mainly of making use of various tools, techniques, methods and models for development. Regularly, this type of methodology needs to be properly documented for programmers to fully understand the methodology, as well as the software life cycle.
Although there are currently a lot of variety in programming methodologies, the truth is that they are all based on certain generalist approaches that were created many years ago, some types of software development methodologies that were used and invented at the beginning of our technological age.
What are traditional Software Life Cycle models?
Regularly, each software development methodology has a well-defined focus. These approaches are not new at all and are still used for planning and software development even in our times, so let’s see some of them and how they work.
Cascade methodology: Linear framework.
The Cascade Software development model is a very old programming methodology. Although its creator never mentions it as a cascade methodology, the operation and guidelines of the planning processes are exactly the same. Basically, the style of the cascade model is that you will not be able to advance to the next phase if the previous one is not completely finished.
Prototype method
This programming methodology is still the favorite of many. It basically consists in that, based on the requirements and needs of the client, a quick prototype is made. This won´t be complete, but it will good enough to give an idea while the programmer can continue working on it until you get to the final code.
In case you don’t know yet, a prototype is an unfinished version of the product that will be delivered to the customer or end user. This gives us a certain advantage in the development of similar products with different functions, for example.
Incremental or Iterative and Increasing Model
The Incremental model is a programming methodology widely used today, as its development convenience allows you to obtain a much more complete and successful final product. It basically consists of completing several iterations of what is the waterfall model, but without completing any. By performing iterations, an evolution in the product is created, allowing new specifications, functionalities, options, functions and what the user requires after each iteration.
In short, the Incremental Model repeats the waterfall model over and over again, but with minor modifications or updates that can be added to the system. In this way the end user is highly immersed in the development and you can provide an optimal result.
Spiral Model
The spiral model was used and designed for the first time by Barry Boehm in 1986. It is, again, a combination between the linear or waterfall model and the iterative or prototype-based model. However, risk management is added to this system, something that has not been even mentioned in previous models.
This model consists of certain phases that are carried out in a spiral mode, using processes in the same way that they are used in the waterfall model; however, these are not mandatory here, and they do not follow the established order exactly. Basically it is an evolutionary model, that, as the cycles advance, the level of source code developed will increase, as well as an increase in risk management and, of course, an increase in the execution times and planning; this is what it has a spiral pattern.