Becoming used to new denture takes some time and people may face some issues before it turns both comfortable and natural in the mouth. Handling such issues is simple because the dentists guide you in the right direction. Some common issues that the people face with the denture are the following.

Discomfort and soreness

In the initial stages of the adjustment period, people may face some discomfort and soreness in the mouth. This can last for some hours afterwards or continue for a few days before things settle to normal. This happens because the new denture may rub on the gums leading to irritation and pain, making this a bother. With the mouth and gums becoming used to the denture, in time the discomfort vanishes gradually. When there is a persistent pain or it intensifies with time, contact the prothegraveses dentaires services for the right solutions.

The dentist may suggest rinsing the mouth for relieving pain with a solution of salt water. Another way is massaging the gums or taking OTC medication when necessary.

Problems in speaking naturally

When you put in the new dentures, this may feel strange at first so that speaking normally may seem difficult until you become used to this. People experiencing such problems should familiarizes the oral and tongue muscles with the speech process. This takes some time so you want to remain patient and continue the process until it no longer feels difficult. Sing the songs you like to help the mouth turn familiar with normal speaking.

Eating difficulties

Immediately after getting the dentures, eating normally may not be possible. This happens because the oral cavity is not yet familiar with this new addition and there may be further gum healing needed before things become normal. When there are problems while eating, you want to give the mouth some time for adjustment so remain patient. The dentist wants you to avoid any sticky or hard food during the first weeks. This helps to minimize any pressure on the gum when eating and chewing. Later, you can try the harder food because the gums and mouth adjust to this in time. Then there may be excess saliva in the mouth due to the presence of new denture.

Slipping dentures

The mouth needs a degree of time for conforming to a new addition, like the denture. The teeth remain anchored to the gums natural. The muscles in the mouth keep the denture in place so when talking or eating may dislodge or slip for a few weeks. The gums, tongue, and mouth learn to coordinate, keeping the denture in its place during the adjustment period. It should have an adequate time for proper adjustment so you should be patient to reposition them when it slips out. Such problems naturally disappear after a time once you start feeling comfortable with these in your mouth.

If the denture slips constantly out even after many weeks, the dentist may provide reparation prothegraveses. This includes proper adjustment or use of dental adhesives to get rid of the problem.