Everyone needs a credit card nowadays. More and more people give up paying with cash, because it is inconvenient, they don’t always have it on them, and it is not even that safe. However, when it comes to choosing a credit card, the decision is not easy to make. This is because it is overwhelming, there are so many providers out there, so many facilities. Evaluating your needs is the first step, to see when and where you use cards, what features you expect, and how easy it is to obtain it. Customised ez-link card fulfills many requests, and it is essential to know about it and how you can buy Ezlink card.

What Is a Customised Ez-Link Card?

People are oriented towards contactless cards, because they are easier to use. There is no need to insert them in the terminals, simply approach the card and the transaction is done. Customised ez-link card is a very good example, and it is used for transportation, to pay for taxis, buses, LRT, and MRT. You simply need to tap the card to the terminal and payment is done. It is much more convenient than always looking for coins and change in pockets, wallets, purses. This way, you don’t have to worry about having money around or wasting time to go to the ATM.

At the beginning, the card was used mainly for transport fees, but it has evolved since then and it became more recognized and powerful. It is used by holders to pay for shopping, purchases, services, to pay government service fees, dining out, and more. Purchasing the card is the first step, and afterwards you can use it easily at any location listed on their website. If you shop somewhere specific or need a card for certain situations, make sure to verify if you can use Ezlink, not to be disappointed afterwards, and end up not using it at all.

Where to Find the Customised Ez-Link Card

The  customised ez-link card  can be found in different locations, such as ticket offices, passenger service centers, and 7-Elevens. The cost you need to pay includes the non-refundable fee associated with the card and the rest of the value can be used freely for purchases. Once you obtain it, feel free to use it for the next 5 years. If at any point you want to see the expiry date, log in on the EZ-Link website with the ID and find out useful information. On the website you will also find the locations where you can use the card, so you know exactly the valid providers that accept it.

There are several ways to top-up the card, and this is always good news because people need convenience and flexibility. You can use self-service machines in different stations, through the mobile application, 7-Eleven, online, or other convenience stores, such as Cheers. Of course, you can benefit from automatic top-up, and this is possible online. It is a great way to make sure that your card will never run out of funds and you can always use it. If you pay with it regularly, then this feature is very useful, as you don’t have to worry or always check the balance. Sometimes it happens to forget to add money to it, but with auto top-up, this issue is eliminated.

If you worry about not always having your card with you, you can also pay using the EZ-Link Wallet in the application. Payments are done securely and conveniently, because all you need to do is scan the QR code and the payment is done. In any situation you have your mobile phone with you, which makes things a lot simpler. Through the application you can control things better and easier, and in the same time, get around the city a lot faster, easier, and cheaper.

Once you buy Ezlink card, you can get through Singapore using the light rail system, MRT. You can get across any location, and the bus system is quite easy to understand. However, to get around you need to pay for the rides and here is where the contactless payment system comes in discussion. As soon as you enter the station, step on the bus, tap the card on the panel. This is the first step, and you need to do it once again to complete the transaction, once you leave the MRT platform or you disembark from the bus. It is important to note that if you don’t tap out as you exit the platform or the bus, you will need to pay the maximum trip fare.

Why Buy Ezlink Card

One of the main reasons to  buy Ezlink card  is because the card is contactless, which means you don’t have to insert it in any terminal. Simply approach and tap the card against the panel and the amount will be deducted from your card. It is cheaper than always having money with you, because you end up paying less for trips, and get the most out of the amount on the card.

Another great benefit is that you don’t have to worry about having change and how much every trip costs. If you buy Ezlink card, simply use it and the system deducts the necessary amount from your balance. Some buses, if not all of them, accept only exact change, which is not convenient, and you need to wait in line to get the tickets, as soon as you enter the MRT station. If you are in a hurry or if you want a hassle-free experience, having a card dedicated for transport makes a lot of sense.

Tourists that buy Ezlink card and use it on a regular basis obtain access to promotions. You can visit and pay less for certain tourist destinations, for eating out at restaurants, shopping from certain retailers, and more. you can check the programs online, on the website, and find out what you can do with the card and the perks associated with it. Paying with a contactless card is a top preferred method that makes a lot of sense.