Even though the topic of water quality for human consumption is important, very few people tend to care about it. Due to technological innovations as well as government regulations in the US, almost all Americans are now enjoying a clean & healthy source of water that’s free from toxins & chemicals. 

However, if you’re moving into a new home and you’re unaware of the water quality conditions, then it’s safe to obtain proper water quality testing through a professional home inspection in Middletown NY

What Do The Home Inspectors Look For During Water Quality Testing?


  • Lead


Lead is a class of metal that’s found commonly in old water piping materials. Lead can have serious harmful effects on kids & adults when consumed. 


  • Copper


Similar to lead, copper is also one of the harmful metals that you can find in drinking water. It also has adverse health effects. 


  • Chlorine


Most water treatment facilities utilise chlorine to kill the bacteria present in the water so that your home can get safe, drinkable water. However, it should be realised that the chlorine level should be balanced. But, in rare cases, this chlorine level becomes high and thus the water becomes unsafe for human consumption. On the other hand, if the chlorine levels are low, then it will not be sufficient to kill the bacteria present in the water. 


  • Hardness


Water hardness is mostly caused by dissolving calcium & magnesium ions. Hardened water should neither be used for drinking nor other human consumption purposes. 


  • Total Dissolved Solids


These are various inorganic compounds which include heavy metals, salts and some traces of organic compounds as well. They remain dissolved in water and excessive consumption can lead to adverse effects in human beings


  • PH


PH is the quantification of whether the water that is supplied to your home is acidic or alkaline. If the PH meter is less than 7, then the water is acidic. And if the PH meter is more than 7, then it’s alkaline. Drinking water should always be at 7, which means neutral (neither acidic nor alkaline). 

Low PH water can lead to corrosion in your home’s plumbing pipe fixtures. Alternatively, high PH water will reduce any chlorine effectiveness in water and introduce a bitter taste in your drinking water. 


  • Alkalinity


Water becomes alkaline mainly due to the presence of calcium carbonate, which either enters the water through the soil or acid rain. 

What Are The Symptoms Of Poor Water Quality?

  • Stains on plumbing fixtures & clothing
  • The water looks cloudy, has a different taste & smell
  • Experiencing gastrointestinal illnesses such as vomiting & diarrhea

In case you want to more about water quality testing procedures, simply reach out to us any time.