OET Writing Task would require you to create a letter. You will be given case notes. You will have to read carefully and then answer accordingly.
OET writing task will be aimed at analyzing your writing skills. The examiner would definitely want you to be perfect act writing. Your answer will be evaluated rigorously. Therefore, it is very important that you should create a god answer. It is also very important that you should know the criteria for the writing test. You need to follow those criteria. If you do not write it as per the given rules then it can be difficult to get the score you really want.
No doubt, you may be good at speaking English but are you also a good writer? To get a good score the test-takers will have to focus on creating a letter that flawlessly presents the situation.
It is not just about word-length, it is all about relevance
Most of the candidates read the notes but do not write the letter providing the right information. It is very important that your letter should talk about the given case study. The case notes given for your reference should be thoroughly analyzed before crafting the answer.
This would mean that you will have to concentrate more on the actual reasons, the present condition of the patient. It doesn’t make sense to talk about a patient’s past history if it is not relevant to the present condition of the patient. The patient might have undergone a knee surgery in the year 2019 but if currently the patient is suffering from spinal cord problem then you will have to pay attention to providing the details about the spinal cord problem (treatment performed, etc). Remember, you can’t generalize too much. You need to produce content that is more specific to the case notes.
Most of the candidates do not get the required score in the test only because they do not focus on the actual relevance. It can be error-free, perfect grammatically but if it doesn’t answer the question fully then it will not be considered a good answer.
Remember, you will have to answer all parts of the question. You may be asked to expand relevant notes into sentences. But at the same time, you will have to focus on the word-count. You can’t exceed the given word limit of 180-200 words. You do not have to expand abbreviations in order to reach the particular word-length. Rather, focus on expanding the critical situations that are relevant to the case notes. Learn to present information precisely. Make things less complicated. Make it more readable with perfect grammar and choice of words.
Do you want to take OET? The way to get a good score on the test is to prepare for the test first. Yes, it is essential that you should take OET training. Enroll for the OET online training at OETPractice.net to make yourself ready for the test.