The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana is a scheme that was introduced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to make it easier for certain income groups to buy a house. This scheme offers tax subsidies that benefit lower and middle-income groups. PMAY will be valid till the 31st of March, 2022. A huge number of citizens have applied for the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana to avail the benefits. If you too wish to apply for this scheme, read on to find out more about the application process and how to check whether you have been listed as a beneficiary.
Here’s what you need to keep in mind:
- Any Indian citizen belonging to a middle-income group (MIG) or low-income group (LIG) is eligible for the PMAY scheme.
- You can submit an application through CSC for Rs.25 or apply online free of cost.
- Each applicant can apply only once.
How do I apply for the PMAY scheme?
The government has developed an app exclusively for PMAY application processing. This app is available on the Google Play Store. Follow these steps to apply:
1.Download the app and log in with your mobile number. Enter the OTP that will be sent to this number.
- The Citizen Assessment dropdown will show the option ‘benefit under other 3 components. Select that.
- Upon entering your Aadhaar Number, you will be taken to the pertinent information section.
- Enter all the necessary personal information and details about income. Once this is done, scroll to the bottom of the page and fill in the captcha code correctly.
- Click on ‘submit’ to complete the application process.
How to check your name in the beneficiaries list?
Head to the webpage and follow these steps to check for your name on the list of PMAY beneficiaries
- Fill in your registration number and click on ‘submit’. If you are a listed beneficiary, your details should appear on the screen.
- An alternative is to search via ‘advanced search’, then fill in details such as your name, section, BPL number, etc. If your name is included in the list, the details will be displayed.
To sum it up
The PMAY scheme enables citizens to get a considerable subsidy on the interest amount for a home loan. People can now avail home loans going up to Rs. 6 Lakhs at an interest rate of 6% per annum. The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana can provide financial support to countless Indians, and help them achieve their dreams. For more such useful information and a variety of financial products, head over to Finserv MARKETS. Also learn about Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Eligibility.
Who introduced the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana?
Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi introduced the PMAY scheme.
What is the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana?
It is a scheme that provides subsidies that benefit lower and middle-income groups who wish to buy a house.
Who can apply for the PMAY scheme?
Any Indian citizen belonging to a middle-income group (MIG) or low-income group (LIG) is eligible for the PMAY scheme.
How do I apply for the PMAY scheme?
You can submit an application offline through CSC for Rs. 25 or apply online using the official PMAY app for free
Can I apply more than once?
Each applicant can apply only once.