We are here to help you do conversion of your XRP coins to US Dollars. With our exchange’s online XRP to USD Converter tool, you can instantly convert and get cash in return. Our exchange have millions of users who trust our exchange services. Our services includes liquidation, buy & sell, and conversion. Each service is equipped with safety measures for the respect of our users privacy and protection of their digital assets. You can trust as too. Now to get you started with your conversion, there are certain requirements that should be met before hand. As all exchange requires a registration process, so do we. It is for your own betterment. To begin your conversion from our exchange, there are some basic instructions that will guide you for the conversion process.
- To begin conversion, you have to go through a registration process. Our exchange’s registration process is straightforward and simple.
- Right after your registration is complete, an exchange wallet will be permitted to you. This exchange wallet will be used whenever you have to do conversion, buy & sell and liquidation against your desired digital assets. This wallet should not be taken into account for permanent storage.
- Transfer your XRP coins to the allocated exchange wallet, and head to conversion menu
- Inside conversion menu, you will be given options to select your desired cryptocurrency, and a method to receive your converted currency, along with the option to provide a desired amount. Select Ripple XRP under label “You will send” from the drop down menu. Then, select “Direct Bank Deposit” under the label “You will receive” from the respective drop down menu. We suggested “Direct Bank Deposit” as it is safe and convenient for our users, if you are already familiar, and prefer to have a different method to receive your converted currency, feel free to do so.
- Send the XRP coins from your wallet to the provided payment ID. This payment ID is obtainable by scanning the given QR (Quick Response) Code.
- After submitting the payment, a receipt of it will be given to you. Upload a screenshot of this payment receipt for verification of your submitted payment
- Fill out the required information in the provided text fields.
- After completing every thing, finalize your conversion by clicking “Confirm Conversion”
The conversion will be finalized and shortly after, you will receive your United States Dollar currency. The finance team on our exchange will be in touch with for the verification and confirmation about your successful exchange. An advise from the experts might help you in doing services against your cryptocurrency. Always check market prices, price differences between crypto and fiat currencies, difference between multiple exchanges and prediction charts. These factors will help you optimize your decisions against your desired digital assets. As these digital assets are volatile in nature, there market value always resonates to either profit or loss. These assets create make or break scenarios for their investors and miners. We recommend you to take our advise and hope you get benefits from it.