In the present times, the use of plywood in the interiors has increased exponentially. It is finding its wide applications in furniture. The plywood gives an aesthetic appeal to the homes and makes them appear attractive.

However, certain plywood enemies ruin the whole look of your home. These enemies are borers and termites. These pests eat wood and prefer moist conditions. In a short period, they build big colonies inside the furniture and wreck it. So, to protect your plywood from these attackers, here are the tips that will help you:

1. Use borer and termite proof plywood

CenturyPly manufactures many types of plywood sheets. This wide range of plywood are all borer and termite proof. This plywood is treated with chemicals that keep the termites and borers away from the plywood.

The company also uses the unique adhesive on the plywood to keep it safe from the borer and termites’ attack for a long time. The synthetic resins in this plywood ensure the tight bonding of the plywood layers that do not allow the entry of termites in it.

2. Protect the plywood from moisture

Wet and humid conditions are optimum for the growth of borers, termites and other wood-eating pests. This is why it’s necessary to protect it from moisture. To prevent moisture in your home, ensure good ventilation. Proper ventilation brings the sunlight and air into the house that reduces the humidity.

Another reason for high moisture content in homes is seepage in walls. If there is such seepage in the home, it should be treated. Also, reduce the excess water from the bathroom and kitchen. It is another reason for increasing the moisture content in homes. These steps will reduce the humidity in your home and prevent the growth of termites and borers.

3. Use termite and borer resistant polish

There are various types of chemicals present in the market that keep the termites and borers away from plywood. They provide a coating to the plywood that protects the plywood from termites and other insects. It should be applied to the plywood in every five years. It will keep your plywood shiny and protected from termites and borers.

4. Use pest control services

Pest control services are an excellent way of getting rid of termites and borers. It is helpful when there is already a buildup of termites in your plywood. Pest control services use certain chemicals to get rid of these bugs. Since termites and borers are minute insects, it is not easily possible to trace them. But if you see powder of plywood in your home, you should immediately contact the pest control services.

Termites and borers destroy plywood sheets within days and convert your whole expensive plywood into dust. This is why a person should stay alert and keep taking precautions to prevent these intruders from damaging the plywood.