Name change process after marriage
The need to change the name arose for several reasons. Women want to go through this name change process because they want a new last name that is the same as their husbands. Some people want a new name just because they don’t like their real name. Sometimes divorced women want their maiden name or new name back. Parents also want to change the name of their minor so that the name of the biological father is reflected in the child’s name. In short, there are many reasons why people sometimes want to change their names.
how to change the name of wife after marriage
All types of name change procedures, with the exception of a few exceptions, have only in common that they must complete certain legal formalities properly within the stipulated timeframe. Indian law regulates name changes, but rules must be strictly adhered to. Legal Air is the best online registration for Name Changes. You will have to follow the rules and regulations of your home country to get a new name. Also worth mentioning here is that name change laws in India can vary from state to state.
There are several types of categories to rename. For example, there are categories such as informal categories, legal categories, and common law categories. The common law category does not require due process. The other category requires a court-approved process. If it is necessary to change the name of a minor (within a certain period of time), there is no need for a court order, but adults who want a new name will need a court order. The court will ask you a few questions and after checking the answers, will give you permission to proceed.
You need to get the appropriate form for the name change procedure. There are different forms for different categories to rename. For example, if you are recently married and want to change your name, you will need to notify the Social Security Authority to obtain your new Social Security card. Likewise, in the event of a divorce, you will need separate and appropriate forms, new names of minors, etc. But don’t worry and don’t think that a legal name change is a complicated process. Nowadays you can find reliable enough information online it’s easy enough to change your name.
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