Experts say that divorce is among the most devastating things that can happen to a person and their children, but the pain and mental strife one can face while staying in a bad marriage can be far worse. Isn’t divorce preferable to staying in an unhealthy and unhappy environment with someone who isn’t happy either? We understand there is a myriad of reasons one might want to stay, ie. financial security, keeping the family together, etc, but in the long run, it’s often better to cut the cord before things get much worse. Michael Porter, a relationship expert with Haywood Hunt & Associates Inc. outlines some of the reasons divorce might be the right option for you.
The Marriage is Preventing Growth
There are times that all the effort to stay married means losing both yourselves, aspirations, and dreams. In cases like this, a divorce would be the better scenario so both parties can have the life that they deserve.
You Want A Life, Not Security
Sometimes people stay in a marriage because it is predictable and will lead them to a known path, but isn’t that simply surviving versus living? Going for a divorce can give you a new lease on life and hope for a better future.
Divorce Allows You To Be With The Right Partner
A divorce can be ugly and painful but no matter how horrible it is, it frees you to meet and be with the right partner. Look at it this way, it liberates you so that you can be with someone you are right with.
You Deserve A Real Partner
Even if you have a good marriage, it isn’t good enough if only one party is investing in it. You deserve a partner who gives as much as you do and is an embodiment of what a true partner is.
You Want to Be Happy
An unhappy relationship is a fountain of stress and heartache. Freeing yourself from that is worth all the temporary pain of a divorce.
You Do Not Wish to Model an Unhealthy Relationship
Raising your kids on your own is a lot better than raising them in the unhealthy environment of a bad marriage. What kids see is what they think is normal and will try to have later. Give them the best.
You Want to Find YOU
Most people tend to lose a big part of themselves when they marry. They focus so much on building a family and being the ideal partner that they forget who they are and what makes them genuinely happy, leading to a bad marriage. A full appreciation of yourself can only happen once you cut yourself from what is sucking that away from you.
You are No Longer Afraid of Solitude
Not being afraid to be alone means that you have found peace with being with yourself and realized that solitude is not the same as having no one. There is no more separation anxiety because you no longer need someone to fill gaps in your personality.
You Want to a Better Parent
Keeping your sanity and being happy are key factors to being a good parent. When you have a happy fulfilled life, you improve yourself as a parent too. Besides, a hostile home life with bickering spouses is not a good environment for raising balanced children.