Are you facing issues like that your Yahoo email is not working? Then this is for you. Before wondering what happened, try a few methods to check whether those are the reason for the mail to stop working.
- When you use Yahoo email from an outdated browser, then you will not be able to send or receive any mail.
- If you are not able to send a mail, then check the below points:
- Make sure that you have entered the correct address of the sender.
- Ensure that you haven’t blocked anyone accidentally.
- Then if you have installed ad blocker in your device, disable it since it can cause trouble in loading the sites properly.
- Internet issues can also bring your Yahoo mail down. Speed check or play any videos to check the strength of your internet.
- Clear your cache, cookies and history.
- If you are using the mail in your phone, note that you have to install its app and then make use of it. Now, you have already installed the app and are still facing some issues; check whether you have updated the app.
If you are still facing issues, I would recommend you to find a solution through emailspedia. It is a platform where you can fix any kind of email issues you face and also you will get some effective and efficient tips.