You might be thinking, In terms of price, how much does it cost to have manage a private jet?
Naturally, it varies, as it does with everything related to flying.
The cost of private jet management will be affected by factors such as location, management firm, and aircraft type. The cost will also be affected by how you operate the aircraft.
An aircraft management company’s usual pricing structure includes a base price that covers all fixed expenditures, such as regulatory and logistical obligations.
This cost is usually between $5,000 and $15,000 each month. Some management organizations, on the other hand, will care after your aircraft for free.
These businesses, on the other hand, will almost always try to make up the difference someplace else. Whether it’s through exaggerated ForEx costs or commission costs (such as a percentage of handling expenses).
You will usually have to pay additional fees for variable and direct running costs on top of this. Catering, personnel travel, handling fees, and gasoline are all examples of these costs.