What are the signs that adults have ADHD? This question has bewildered parents and caregivers of adults with ADHD. The fact is, that adults with ADHD have the same symptoms as children with ADHD, but their age is not a factor. Adults have the same problems as children do, and the difference is that they can deal with them on their own without getting help from a therapist or a doctor. Let us examine the symptoms of ADHD in adults so that you can see for yourself how this disorder affects the adult brain.


Symptoms in adults with ADHD like lack of concentration, hyperactivity, distractibility and impulsiveness are all common in children. But while adults with ADHD may be hyperactive, distracted and impulsive like children, they tend to act more like adults and have classic ADHD symptoms like absentmindedness, poor impulse control and poor planning. When adults with ADHD use stimulants like Ritalin or Adderall, the symptoms get worse. They do not respond to stimulants the way that children do and they take much longer to experience the side effects of medications. If your adult child has been taking stimulants for treating ADHD, I would suggest that you begin to look at alternatives to stimulants for treatment.


What are the risks of treating ADHD adults with stimulants like Ritalin? First of all, adult ADHD patients who take these drugs, in combination with other medications, develop severe liver disease. Some researchers believe that long-term use of stimulants like Ritalin can lead to cirrhosis of the liver.


What are the other symptoms of ADHD in adults? Like in children, some adults with ADHD also have sleeping disturbances and anxiety. Other symptoms include irritability and depression. Adult ADHD patients may also have orthostatic problems and hyperactivity.


Can we treat adult ADHD symptoms with medications similar to those used during childhood? Yes, but the results are not conclusive. Long term studies of adults with ADHD are needed. Treating adults with ADHD symptoms during childhood has been associated with less severe long-term health outcomes than treating adults with ADHD symptoms in adulthood. In other words, treating childhood ADHD may be beneficial but treating adult ADHD may be less detrimental.


What are the alternative treatments for adults with ADHD? Some researchers believe that we should try natural supplements like St John’s wort, which has a history of treating ADHD symptoms in children and adults alike. The most important benefit of St John’s wort is its anti-hypertensive properties. It can help to reduce the symptoms of hypertension and other underlying problems, which in turn can have a positive effect on overall blood pressure.


Is there any way to prevent or treat adult ADHD? A few researchers believe that the causes of ADHD may be environmental and therefore can be prevented by addressing the environmental issues. They advise that the parents of ADHD children should educate themselves about the disorder to learn how to deal with it. ADHD symptoms may develop later in life, while the child is still suffering from ADHD symptoms during childhood or adolescence, and it is known that the tendency to develop ADHD is genetic. Therefore, preventing ADHD in adults may be possible by addressing environmental factors that worsen the symptoms of inattention, as well as hyperactivity, impulsivity and aggression.


Can medications used in childhood also help adults with ADHD? The answer is a cautious yes. However, before trying any new treatment, it is always advisable to investigate the benefits and the risks and to ensure that you are getting a genuine medical solution. Also, you may want to consult your physician regarding the potential side effects of these new medications. Medications like Ritalin have a reputation for causing sleep disturbance in some patients and for causing serious stomach problems in others.


If you would like some further guidance and support on managing your ADHD, then you should contact your local experienced ADHD specialist for an in-depth ADHD assessment to improve your understanding of the disorder and to know what treatment method is fit for you or them.