Investing in real estate may just very well be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make. There’s nothing like having your very own property, made possible by hard-earned cash and tireless effort poured into saving up for it. But you of all people know that the hard work doesn’t stop there — you still have to think about making your home as conducive to living as possible. A chunk of it should be dedicated to reducing or completely eliminating every possible risk of hazard present in different areas of your home. 

Whether you live alone or with a family, it’s crucial that you create not only a loving environment, but also a home that offers them protection. Almost any part of a house can be a source of hazard, be it a kitchen, small bedroom, backyard, dining room, living room — you name it. The most important thing to consider is that while you may not really be able to successfully remove these dangers to your home, there are a number of tricks you can do to identify them and find a solution for them. Read on to learn more. 


Recent studies in the US have shown that fire departments and emergency first responders had to deal with at least one fire every 24 seconds somewhere in the state, on average. As one of the most dangerous elements present, uncontrolled and uncontained fire can damage structures within a property and also cause physical harm to individuals.

However, you shouldn’t be worried because reducing the risk of a fire can be done by making good practices. For example, try to declutter different parts of the home so that cardboard boxes, papers, wood, or anything flammable material isn’t just lying around. These objects combust easily and will be some of the first few things that will contribute to rapid-fire growth in the event of this emergency.

Another tip is to ensure that you don’t leave any unnecessary electrical equipment running and unplugged. Make it a habit to inspect your home before you go outside, or before going to bed. If possible, you may also want to hire a professional electrician or contractor that can assess any electrical systems and devices present in your home for hazards like faulty, loose, live wires, and the like. 


Choking and strangulation are other hazards that occur frequently at home. This can be due to a number of reasons, such as accidentally swallowing a choking hazard or eating food that has not been prepared and cut properly. 


When living alone, keeping yourself safe from choking hazards is fairly easy, but when it comes to living with other family members — especially children — it might not be straightforward. Groups who are at risk include children, babies, and the elderly, who might not really have control on chewing food. For children and babies, as they continue exploring the world around them, they may inevitably bite on something inedible, like a marble, small ball, or a loose object from their toys.


For adults, encourage them to eat food slowly and eat in smaller bites. Meanwhile, children who are more at risk for choking should only be allowed access to toys that are a non-choking hazard. Constantly keep an eye out for them to ensure that items with loose objects won’t be within their reach.

Cuts And Bruises

Any sharp object in your home, be it a knife, pair of scissors, or any cutting tool, should be properly stored and used so that it won’t pose any threat to the occupants. Even though no person of sound mind would leave these dangerous objects strewn across the floors or table, young children won’t necessarily understand it.


Aside from teaching your children not to use any sharp tool without your assistance, keeping everyone in your home safe and free from bruises can be done by storing these objects amply. For example, any cutting tool in your workshop should be locked in a drawer after use. Knives should not only be kept in a knife block, but also stored inside cabinets for added protection. 


When disposing items like broken aluminum cans, broken plastic packaging, or any bluntly-shaped object, see to it that the lid is closed. This prevents the curious child or individual from getting wind of these things. 

Carbon Monoxide

Many household appliances to date make use of a gas known as carbon monoxide. This allows homes to power equipment, like water heaters, boilers, heating systems, open fires, gas stoves, cookers, and many more. As useful as this gas is, it can also be dangerous particularly when it does not burn fully. 


Detecting a carbon monoxide leak can be difficult because they’re invisible or odorless. However, contractors who’ve worked on your home’s gas pipelines will typically add a chemical compound known as Mercaptan to allow for easier detection of carbon monoxide poisoning. Mercaptan can produce a foul smell in the event of a carbon monoxide leak in your home. But to avoid this from happening in the first place, make sure that all such systems mentioned above are constantly inspected and maintained to avoid any loose gas connections.

Key Takeaway

In any real estate property, keeping the surroundings hazard-free should be on the top of your list. This is done to maintain the integrity of the building and more importantly, to keep all the occupants safe. Keep in mind that hazards will be present and will pop up in various locations, but something can always be done to make the environment safer and conducive for home-living.


In this guide, we’ve learned some common sources of these house dangers. While this list may not be exhaustive, it will provide you with an idea as to which part of your house needs work regarding safety and security.