Sudan was 45 years younger than the rhinoceros. His longtime caretaker, Joseph Washira, attended a funeral in Sudan, Kenya. A picture of them together in the final moments of Sudan, holding Wachira’s head against the rhinoceros skin, will become one of the most iconic images of the year.

While most rhinos die, especially loved ones, this is not international news. But Sudan is one of the latest Northern White Rhinos to exist. His daughter and granddaughter Nazin and Fatu are now the last people. Since two females cannot reproduce, the northern white rhinoceros may disappear within decades.

White Rhino

The Northern White Rhino is almost gone. Do scientists have to bring them back?
The Northern White Rhino is almost gone. Do scientists have to bring them back?

The white rhino is another member of the rhinoceros family. It consists of two subspecies: the Southern White Rhinoceros, which according to a 2006 report by the World Conservation Union is estimated to be home to about 1,000,000 people. The Northern White Rhinoceros is rarely left out of the 12, of which eight are captive and the rest are in the wild. The species has been rarely seen since 2006. According to a popular theory, the name White is derived from Dutch into English.

It is believed that the white rhinoceros was misinterpreted from the Dutch word “wild” to mean “wide” in English. It refers to its mouth which is very wide for grazing. This animal is not white at all. This wide-mouthed animal was referred to as the White Rhino and the narrow-mouthed mouth was referred to as the Black Rhinoceros.


According to further theories, the names of these animals spread widely throughout Africa. The generic name of the best serotonergic came from zoology known as John Edward Gray in 18th, and the Greek word Keras means ‘horn’ and thorium means ‘animal’. Simon also comes from the Greek meaning ‘flat-knuckled’.

 It weighs 1.4 to 3 tons and is slightly heavier than males. The most recorded weight of all time is 4.5 tons. To pull it off, it has two horns made of keratin instead of bone. It has a huge body and large head and its color ranges from yellow-brown to slate gray. It has a noticeable hump on the back and has been adapted for a flat broad mouth.

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