While there is no clear evidence that alcohol increases the risk of prostate cancer, liquids such as alcohol, coffee, and soda are known to irritate the prostate. When the prostate is not functioning well or if it has a tumor it produces PSA which is more than the normal and it is very ProstaStream Review evident in the blood works. Having a brother with prostate cancer appears to increase your risk more than having an affected father does. As men ages, he then produces fewer testosterones in broad, however since his levels of some other hormones boost; he normally winds up with the increased level of testosterone in the prostate gland.

By determining the stage of the cancer, the doctor can best prescribe a treatment plan. Kegal exercise when performed while in virasana, bhekasana or frog pose also promotes good prostate health and overall benefit to the urogenital tract. This cancer can be classified into two stages namely elementary stage and advanced stage.

Some of the symptoms will depend on whether the gland has enlarged and what has caused the enlargement. Our culture of “sue for whatever you can get” hurts the individuals in the end. Cancer of the prostate is the most common malignancy in American men and the second leading cause of mortality from cancers, lung cancer as the first. It involves sending a beam of radiation directly into the prostate gland to kill cancerous cells and hopefully not affect the surrounding normal tissue.

