Brain stroke is a scary topic to talk about. While there can be many underlining factors leading to the same, a cerebral or rather an ischaemic stroke is capable of life-threatening consequences. However, there are quite a few myths floating in the medical arena regarding the occurrence of neurological disorders and in the subsequent sections, we shall debunk the existing ones with immediate attention.
Myth 1: Brain Stroke is Age-Specific
It a common mistake to categorise brain stroke as an old person condition. Based on recent surveys and dependable reports it can be inferred that the rate of brain strokes increases by a massive 51 percent in men who are between 15 years and 34 years. For the same age group, there is a 17 percent rise in the rate of brain strokes in women.
Myth 2: Stokes cannot be avoided
Making a few lifestyle changes can help you prevent brain strokes of any kind. It is a known fact that hypertension is the root cause of all strokes and the idea here is to reduce the blood pressure significantly. Moreover, regular health screenings are also essential when it comes to reducing the chances of brain strokes.
Myth 3: Strokes are tied to Genetic Reasons
Although for someone with a family history of strokes it is necessary to be careful, all the ill-effects of a brain or rather cerebral stroke cannot be blamed or put on the hereditary. If the concerned person is vigilant regarding his or her health, keeping cerebral strokes at bay is also possible, throughout life.
Myth 4: Brain Strokes are Rare
People usually think that strokes are only synonymous to the heart. However, brain stroke is also a common condition and that too with life-threatening consequences. This myth has slowly started to fizz out with the rise in the number of neurological disorders.
Myth 5: Brain strokes are one-dimensional
People usually think that there is only one type of brain stroke which is usually characterized by clouding, unconsciousness, and bad EEG figures. However, a brain stroke can be a cerebral stroke which is primarily caused by blood clotting. In addition to that, there is something called as the ischemic stroke which happens when the main part of the brain doesn’t get enough blood or oxygen. Lastly, there is also something called as the haemorrhagic stroke which happens when the arteries carrying blood to the brain are ruptured.
Myth 6: You need to lie down to mitigate the Stroke Threats
As a part of the first-aid procedure, most patients are wrongly advised to lie down in case of a stroke. They should, however, sit upright, so that the blood can flow in an unhindered manner.
These are some of the existing myths surrounding brain strokes and other forms of neurological disorders that might lead to the former. However, if you are planning to get treated, you must first understand these myths and the catastrophic effects that can be brought upon, if these are considered.