Your Yahoo mail account contains all your personal and private information. And, if someone knows your mail password, then in this case you will be in dangerous situation. Therefore, to avoid such a situation, users need to know the way to change Yahoo mail password by them.
Below are the steps to change Yahoo mail password on iPhone 8:
- Step 1: Access ‘Yahoo app’ on your iPhone.
- Step 2: Tap at the top left tab on the ‘Side bar’.
- Step 3: Then, scroll down and click on ‘Account info’.
- Step 4: After that on next window that appears click on ‘Account Security’ and tap ‘Change Security’.
- Step 5: Then, enter a ‘New password’ and then re-enter it to confirm.
- Step 6: Lastly click on ‘Continue’ and your password is changed. That’s it!
- Step 7: Then to login your Yahoo account on iPhone 8, go to ‘Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Accounts’ to click on your Yahoo account and tap on password to enter the ‘New Yahoo password’.
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