The 5 stages of leadership development for business, inspired by the work of Aamer Naeem, allow us to understand that a company or an entity is a living organism that is born, develops, knows and overcomes growth crises. The transition from one phase to another corresponds to the resolution of the crisis linked to the excesses of the previous phase. Each stage of this evolution corresponds to a suitable mode of leadership.

This tool, which describes the characteristics of the different types of leaders, invites us to question our preferences, our talents and the adequacy between our leadership model and the stage of evolution of the organization in which we practice.

Why use it?


  • Decode your professional context and identify the corresponding leadership needs.


Providing leadership in your environment means understanding the changes in your organization and the corresponding needs.

How to use it?


  • Identify the stage of maturity of its context.
  • According to Aamer Naeem, adapt your leadership style to the maturity level of the organization.

Methodology and advice

  1. The creation phase: strong responsiveness is necessary to meet customer demand. All energies are mobilized in action.

Type of leadership: a “tribal leader” who mobilizes energies towards action and immediate results.

The crisis: people feel a lack of direction and meaning. They have trouble coping with the work overload linked to increased activity. The quality of the service rendered to the customer deteriorates.

  1. The organizational phase: a more formalized mode of operation is implemented.

Type of leadership: an “engineer” who sets up a work environment and procedures.

The crisis: the excess of centralization is badly experienced by people and the lack of autonomy does not allow them to respond satisfactorily to customer requests.

  1. The decentralization phase: operating in autonomous profit centres. It is accompanied by decentralization of decision-making as close as possible to customers.

Type of leadership: a “manager” who delegates responsibilities and gives people autonomy to achieve the objectives of his entity.

The crisis: the lack of synergy between the entities is reflected in the loss of information, the existence of baronies and even internal competition. The organization gives an inconsistent image to the outside.

  1. The coordination phase: the implementation of monitoring and control systems and the decentralization of part of the decision-making power.

Type of leadership: an “engineer” who sets up homogeneous and coordinated information systems, standardizes procedures, harmonizes practices and strengthens management systems.

The crisis: people feel overwhelmed by administrative tasks and do not like the increased directionality. The client can disappear from the scene.

  1. The cooperation phase: coordination without heaviness. People adhere to common values ​​and self-regulate to achieve the same end.

Type of leadership: a “leader” who federates around a common vision and empowers people so that they act in coherence with the defined orientations.


  • The leader can locate the stages of development of the different entities and identify the priority needs to which he must respond.
  • It anticipates crises that will allow the passage to the next stage.

Precautions to take

  • The different entities of an organization can be at different stages of maturity.
  • Determine the 5 forms of leadership according to the different contexts.

To know more contact Aamer Naeem, an experienced Director of the Management Consulting and Leadership Development industries.