The purpose behind each blog image design post should be clear in my head. So I take it upon myself to clearly explain the goal of every blog image design post in this series. Once that goal has been reached, then it’s time to move on to the next one! With every design post, I’ll give you a quick rundown of what to do and not to do for this particular post. With that out of the way, let’s get started!

The first step to jump start your blog image design process is by recording the general purpose of your blog image design post in the form field above. This can be anything in the blog post, from “it’s a keyword rich headline for a keyword optimized post” to “its a promotional image”. Whatever it is, just remember to have that purpose clearly set in stone for all purposes to remember throughout the entire blog post, all the way to the final touches. Now we can go ahead and jump into some basic color theory and stuff! Remember, your image should stand out, but not to the point of being obnoxious or something.

To make an image stand out in your blog post, there are many different things you can do. Some of these things include: using special features include, but are not limited to:

Open forms: In the image editing tools section, click on “Open Form”, then pick a layout from the drop-down menu. Click “Fit” once you’re happy with the results, and adjust any of the color channels based on your desired results. If there’s an adjustment that needs to be made to any of the color channels, go ahead and do so by clicking on the little circle next to that” saturation mask” icon in the upper right corner of the editing tools section. This will adjust the contrast, and brightness as appropriate. Remember, that the final design is always just a mockup.

Open mockups: Now, if you want to make changes to your actual content, you can use the mockups feature while you’re in the editing process. Click on the mockup in the editing tools section to open a mockup version of your final design. You can then easily make any other changes to the design that you want, as well as adjust saturation and contrast and basically redo everything in this mockup. Remember, this is only a mockup.

Adjustments to individual images: If something needs to be changed or added to the layout, you can adjust individual images within your mockups using the tools available. To add an image, first click on the little image button next to the mockup. Then drag and drop an image into the mockup.

Creating Form Field: Finally, let’s touch on the last part of the blog image design process – the form fields that you’ll be creating. There are various toolbars and drop down menus that will appear once you’ve opened the mockups. You can change these fields by clicking on them. In addition, you’ll find that when you hover your mouse cursor over one of the forms, a tool bar will appear above it to provide you with instructions as you make your changes.

You can’t think of Blog Image Design without considering, at least a basic starting point, the graphic design interface. This interface is what allows you to see your layout, read instructions, make changes, and generally edit your image. Hopefully this short article has given you some useful tips about the design tools you can use for making your own Blogs and how to begin the design process. Remember, the final design of your image will depend heavily on how much effort you’re willing to put in, so don’t rush this step. For all your Graphic designing needs, you can