The Telangana government launched an online portal, IGRS Telangana, with the objectives of accountability and transparency in all land-related transactions. Its full form is Integrated Grievance Redressal System (IGRS); the direct beneficiaries are the residents of Telangana who can avail a myriad of services related to land registration process in this portal.
These services have gained much traction among residents, which reflected in official statistics. In 2018-2019 –
- The number of registered documents amounted to 13,73,547
- 93,433 statement of Encumbrance were generated
- Application deemed for mutation amounted to 1,14,268
Services by IGRS Telangana
Telangana residents can avail all the services of TS registration through this portal. The wide range of services include –
- Information on prohibited property located in a particular district or village.
- Search for market value to assess agricultural or non-agricultural land rates in specific districts or villages .
- Property registration details can be accessed through this portal.
- Encumbrance Certificate, which was originally registered in office of Sub-Registrar, can be accessed through this portal.
- Certified copy of different registration documents can also be availed from the online website.
- Notaries/Stamp vendors extend e-stamp registration through this portal.
- eSTAMPS allows for the facility of online stamp duty. Timely payment of such charges are important as stamp duty and registration charges levied on a home loan.
- Know Your SRO (Sub-Registrar Office) to find out jurisdiction.
Apart from these, it also includes services such as registration of a firm, society, marriage and information on chit funds.
Among all these, the Encumbrance Certificate (EC) registration is, perhaps, the most important aspect of IGRS Telangana property registration. EC is necessary for all transactions of property. It proves the ownership or title of a particular asset. It acts as evidence that a certificate holder has complete ownership and right over the property, sans any legal disputes or encumbrances. When you are seeking to apply for a home loan, this document helps to verify whether the property is free from liabilities.
The content of the Encumbrance Certificate includes –
- All transaction records about the particular property
- Period of transaction and details of sale
- If there are any gift statements, it is also incorporated in the certificate
Benefits of IGRS Telangana
Some of the major advantages of this online portal launched by the Telangana government have been mentioned below.
- Easy access – Important information can be accessed by the residents of Telangana without the hassle of standing in long queues for hours.
- Complaint redressal – This online portal becomes highly effective for the public to lodge their grievances and complaints. Once a complaint is lodged, the redressal process is put into action.
- Tackles fraud – Increased transparency ensured by IGRS Telangana helps to cut down on fraudulent transactions as well as corruption.
- Automation – Advanced technology has led to the automation of the process in which substantial resources and time are saved. The portal benefits both the residents and government as the former no longer need to visit relevant departments in person. All services can be directly availed through the portal.
How to search for Encumbrance Certificate
As mentioned before, Encumbrance Certificate becomes very important at the time of buying or selling a property as it contains all financial and legal information with respect to Telangana land registration. It also indicates that the title is without any dispute.
The steps to check Encumbrance Certificate over Telangana registration online portal are given below.
Step 1: Go to the official page of Telangana government’s Registration & Stamp Department at
Step 2: On the home page, there will be an option of ‘Online Services’, beneath which there will be a link ‘Encumbrance Search (EC)’. Click on the option.
Step 3: Next, an e-Encumbrance Statement will be shown. After going through the points mentioned, the ‘Submit’ option has to be clicked.
Step 4: The search page will appear after submission of the e-Encumbrance statement.
The subsequent search can be undertaken by two methods – (1) By Document number, or (2) By Entry form –
- Document number search: The first letter of the SRO code/name has to be entered and then submitted. The e-Encumbrance certificate will be immediately shown.
- Entry form search: In this case, the form must be filled duly mentioning particulars about land, structure/building, and details about SRO on the specified spaces. On submission of the details, the EC will appear.
The EC is a mandatory document when you want to avail a home loan. Submitting all the necessary documents is essential, and it reduces the hassle of the application process. Many financial institutions make the application process even easier with a pre-approved offer for its customers. You can check your pre-approved offer by submitting basic details such as the same and contact number.
It can be understood that the online portal has been effective in making the system responsive to needs of residents in terms of sale deeds, land registration and obtaining EC, among others. These are important documents you need for a home loan. Moreover, senior law enforcement officers are put on deputation to follow up with public complaints and ensure speedy redressal.