Many homeowners buy aluminum windows and doors for their homes, as they are virtually maintenance-free. Another thing that goes in favor of aluminum windows is that they are easy to install.

Once installed, the aluminum doors and windows will remain perfect for a couple of years. However, you’d start seeing some issues with these installations over time. In this article, we’ll discuss some common issues faced by aluminum doors and windows and how to fix them to ensure they function flawlessly.

Here’s a list of some common problems faced by aluminum windows and doors over the years:


  • Experience condensation and appear foggy


Due to moisture build-up, you can see the peeling of paint, as well as mold growth. It also leads to the problem of condensation that makes windows appear foggy and energy-deficient. To solve this problem, you need to consider proper ventilation to balance out the temperature of both inside and outside the environment.

If the condensation problem is between the double glazed windows, you need to check the seal whether it’s broken. If it’s broken, you need to get it replaced immediately. Also, try to minimize the moisture content by allowing air circulation. You may even invest in a good ventilation fan and dehumidifier to tackle the problem. In case you still see the same problem again, it’s time to replace the existing windows.


  • Broken glass pane


If your windowpane is broken due to a burglary attempt or accident, it could be dangerous due to many reasons. In this case, don’t try to repair the broken window pane yourself, as you won’t be having proper safety gear at home. So, it’s best to call professionals for help.


  • The problem of chalking over the powder coat 


This is a common problem faced by both colored and white aluminum windows after some years when the profiles start getting old. To ensure that this problem doesn’t occur, you need to apply a good quality vinyl restoring solution on to the surface after cleaning it. This treatment will easily reduce the effect of chalking.


  • Deterioration of seals within the aluminum frame joint


It is another common issue seen in double glazed aluminum windows and doors. This happens when the frame begins to age or due to the thermal expansion of seals. This problem could even facilitate moisture to enter the window pane.

To fix this issue, you need to remove the beads and rubber for proper cleaning. After that, replace the bead sealant with new ones to restore the function of the existing windows and doors.


  • Faulty flashing makes water seep into your home


Every window is likely to endure some wear and tear that reduces its efficiency. But when aluminum windows and doors are exposed to water, they could age faster or even corrode. The faulty flashing is the reason why rainwater seeps into your home and starts corroding the metal. So, it’s best to call the professionals to repair or replace the existing window installation.


Besides all these issues, aluminum doors and windows may experience many other issues, such as getting jammed and scratched. If it’s a small issue, you may try to fix it through an easy DIY hack. But if the problem is major, always consult a professional window installer to get it fixed.