The energy markets such as natural gas, fuel oil, crude oil, and other refined products, are volatile. So, market participants from private traders, investors, to commercial traders’ all rely on technical trading indicators that are simplified mathematical formulas that allow the users to time trades. Even investors oriented to underlying fundamental analysis can benefit from using technical indicators, allowing them to form realistic expectations on new and existing trades.

The Technical indicators simply reproduce what markets know about themselves, and then what is being indicated in price and on charts. The information obtained is used by Kase StatWare, the technical analysis trading indicators package developed by Kase & Company, Inc., to pinpoint patterns and show it as clear, color-coded signals on the charts, which any user can easily understand. These trading signals provide alerts about a trend’s direction and strength. Mostly, technical indicators help forecast the direction of future prices.

How Kase StatWare Sets Itself Apart?

Kase’s technical trading indicator differentiates from the competition, in the following aspects:

Clear Color-Coded Charts. Color coded charts allow the indicator to be read and understood without any difficulty. Our human brains are wired in such a way that it can process colors, quicker than other information types. Color-coded charts enable the user to grasp opportunities easily, and also identify the risks involved. Moreover, the bar patterns allow you to easily make sense of confusing charts, so you are able to approach a trade like a professional.

Statistical Charts. The quality of Kase StatWare is its reliability factor. It differentiates due to, the quality of mathematical algorithms as a statistical model that define downtrends, corrections, and low-risk patterns.


StatWare indicators are established on predefined mathematical formulas that provide a trader everything they are seeking from historical prices, the performance of the security, trend direction, and strength.