Planning a weekend trip to London with your family is an exciting prospect, filled with the promise of exploring historic landmarks, vibrant cultural scenes, and stunning attractions. To make your trip smooth and enjoyable, consider hiring a minibus. With a minibus, you can travel comfortably, keep everyone together, and make the most of your time in the city. Here’s a detailed guide to planning a perfect family weekend trip using minibus hire in London.

Why Hire a Minibus for Your London Trip? 

Before diving into the itinerary, let’s look at why hiring a minibus is a great idea: 

  1. Comfort and Space: A minibus offers ample space for everyone to sit comfortably, along with room for your luggage and any souvenirs you might pick up along the way. 
  1. Convenience: Navigating public transportation with a family, especially with young children, can be challenging. A minibus allows you to travel at your own pace. 
  1. Cost-Effective: When travelling with a larger group, hiring a minibus can be more economical than multiple taxis or train tickets. 
  1. Flexibility: You can create your own schedule and visit places that might be off the beaten path, which isn’t always possible with public transportation. 

Day 1: Exploring Central London 

Morning: Iconic Landmarks 

Start your weekend trip by visiting some of London’s most iconic landmarks with minibus hire London. 

  1. Buckingham Palace: Begin your day at Buckingham Palace, the official residence of the British monarch. Witness the Changing of the Guard ceremony, a fascinating display of British pomp and ceremony. 
  1. Westminster Abbey and Big Ben: A short drive from Buckingham Palace, these landmarks are a must-see. Explore Westminster Abbey, where royal coronations and weddings take place, and admire the Gothic architecture. Don’t forget to snap photos of Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament. 
  1. The London Eye: For a breathtaking view of the city, head to the London Eye. The 30-minute ride offers panoramic views of London’s skyline and is a fun experience for all ages. 

Afternoon: Cultural and Historical Sights 

After a morning of sightseeing, continue your journey with some cultural and historical attractions. 

  1. The British Museum: One of the world’s greatest museums, the British Museum houses a vast collection of art and artefacts from around the globe. Highlights include the Rosetta Stone and the Elgin Marbles. Best of all, entry is free. 
  1. Covent Garden: For lunch, head to Covent Garden. This bustling area is filled with street performers, quaint shops, and a variety of dining options. It’s a great place to relax and soak in the vibrant atmosphere. 
  1. Trafalgar Square and the National Gallery: After lunch, visit Trafalgar Square, home to Nelson’s Column and the National Gallery. The gallery hosts an impressive collection of European paintings, including works by Van Gogh, Da Vinci, and Turner. 

Evening: Theatrical Experience 

  1. West End Show: Conclude your first day with a West End theatre show. London’s theatre district offers a variety of family-friendly shows, such as “The Lion King” or “Matilda”. Book your tickets in advance to ensure a great view. 


A weekend trip to London with your family is a delightful way to create lasting memories, and minibus hire London service providers ensure that your journey is comfortable and convenient. From iconic landmarks and cultural sights to interactive museums and scenic spots, London offers something for everyone. With careful planning and the flexibility provided by a minibus, you can explore the city at your own pace, ensuring a stress-free and enjoyable experience for the whole family. So, pack your bags, gather your loved ones, and get ready for an unforgettable London adventure with your Van hire London!