An abortion is a procedure adopted by a doctor to eliminate a pregnancy. There are two different methods for terminating a pregnancy. One is the medication abortion procedure, and another is the surgical abortion. In the medical abortion process, the doctor uses two different medicines to end a pregnancy, while in the surgical abortion process, the doctor conducts a short surgery. The abortion pill uses in the medication abortion process. Women Center, a well-known and reputed abortion clinic in the USA, can help you in Cheap Abortion Pill Ft Lauderdale. This blog will discuss how much an abortion pill costs and where you get it.
How Much The Abortion Pill Cost:
The cost of the abortion pill decides by many factors like the state where you are living, abortion clinic charges, your insurance policy, etc. Many abortion clinics provide abortion pills ranging between $175-475. It depends on whether the pregnant choose online care or schedules an appointment at the clinic. Some abortion clinics provide the abortion pill range between $300-800. It all depends on your health condition, insurance coverage, and state policies.
Another abortion pill cost deciding factor is the gestation of pregnancy. If your pregnancy is above the first trimester, like 12/13 weeks above, the pregnant might not be able to get the abortion pill. After the first trimester, your abortion procedure will conduct in the clinic. The in-clinic abortion will affect the cost factor. In some states, the in-office abortion process is less costly, while in others the in-office process becomes more expensive.
The abortion clinic Women Center suggests that you should choose an honest center to perform the procedure. The center should be transparent in pricing and open about their process, and ready to answer your questions. You must be attentive to know the difference between abortion clinics and crisis pregnancy centers. The crisis pregnancy centers provide an effort to convince you to change your decision and not to proceed with an abortion.
The Financial Assistance for Abortion Care:
If someone is from a weak economic background or doesn’t have health insurance and wants to help for paying their abortion procedure, the staff of the Women’s Center will guide the pregnant. The staff asks to apply for discounts through our financial assistance partners. If you travel quite a long to reach the center for the abortion procedure, there is an abortion assistance fund that can help to lessen the burden/even cover the entire cost of your abortion. You can explore the website, which provides a comprehensive guide to connect you with local funding resources.
Will Insurance Cover The Abortion Pill:
Many abortion clinics work with different-insurance companies to assist patients who seek abortions. If you have an insurance policy, consult with our advisory staff whether your insurance covers the abortion procedure. Our advisory staff will assist you to understand what would cost covered under the insurance and how much you have to pay from your pocket. Mostly, the insurance coverage varies according to state to state. One of the best ways is to call your advisory staff with health insurance information to see whether they cover the abortion pill cost.
How do You Get the Abortion Pill:
The abortion pill is a prescribed drug, and cannot purchase it directly from the drug store like general medications. You require a prescription from the doctor. You can get the abortion pill via mail or from a direct counter. If you want the abortion pill via mailing, you can get help for the abortion procedure through a video visit. If you want an in-clinic abortion procedure, consult our advisor staff.
Medication Abortion Procedure:
The medical abortion procedure is also known as medication abortion or Abortion by Pill. The doctor provides two different medications for the procedure. These are the Mifepristone pill and the Misoprostol pill.
First, the doctor inspects your pregnancy condition. The doctor also examines your medical reports and medical history. Once the doctor ensures the routine functioning of the abortion, start the procedure. The doctor gives the Mifepristone pill on the first day. This pill blocks your body’s progesterone hormone. This hormone is solely responsible for developing your pregnancy. So, the drug stops your pregnancy from growing further.
The doctor gives another medicine, misoprostol, within 12-48 hours of the first. This pill starts cramping and bleeding you. Your uterus starts emptying. This process continues for 3-6 hours. Once the abortion is over, you can go home on the same day.
The medication abortion procedure is one of the safest and most secure ways to terminate early pregnancies. If you want a Free Abortion Pill in Ft Lauderdale, contact the Women’s Center for more information.