You’ve undoubtedly heard of alloy wheels if you’re an automotive enthusiast or value vehicle performance. In addition to optimising steering performance, alloy wheels transmit the engine’s power to the road. Among the most vital components of your car are the wheels. You must pay attention and respond when you encounter potholes, clip kerbs, or see handling concerns. In addition to causing extra damage to your car, bent wheels are a major safety issue. You must get in touch with a specialist right away to finish repairs if your car’s wheels are damaged. Alloy wheels are an excellent option because of their superior performance and beauty. With proper maintenance, they may last up to ten years. It is therefore imperative that you seek Wheel Straightening Preston as soon as you notice the damage.

Why is wheel straightening necessary?

How important it is to properly straighten alloy wheels

An automobile might become considerably harder to operate when a wheel is twisted since it can seriously impair the suspension and steering. It is also possible to drive on an alloy wheel that has damage to seriously harm a tyre, which might result in a blowout. Any of these can result in a dangerous mishap.

If you drive a car with a broken alloy wheel, it might also harm other parts of the vehicle, requiring more expensive repairs.

Tyres are made of rubber and air, and while they are intended to withstand the majority of impact, a strong enough blow might cause the rubber and air to shift. If this occurs, the force of the collision will be felt more by your wheel or rim, resulting in structural damage like bends. However, why do wheels bend?


Although it’s common for us to kerb our cars, occasionally doing so might result in more than just minor tyre rubber damage. There are probably a lot of automobiles on the road that have bent wheels because there are an estimated 13 million cars in the UK that have kerbed wheels. Your type of wheel or rim and its rubber might sustain serious damage if you strike the curb at an improper angle or at too fast a speed. It is imperative that you promptly check your car for damage if it has been kerbed to protect your safety while driving.

Getting into Potholes

Thus, it should not be shocking that one of the most frequent reasons for wheel damage in the UK is running into potholes. Any speed bump might seriously damage your alloy wheels’ rubber and rim, necessitating wheel straightening to fix them. When potholes damage wheels, it may be quite dangerous for your car to drive on the road if you don’t fix them.

how to straighten alloy wheels

You will learn how to use the HBC machine to straighten alloy wheels in this section.

To prevent mishaps, firmly fasten the wheel to the machine.
Turn on the machine and attach the detector. Now that the wheel is spinning, the HBC machine will automatically evaluate its condition and notify you of the areas that require straightening.
Gently reshape the wheel to a safe operating position using the hydraulic piston.
Lastly, turn the machine back on to determine if the repair is finished. If there are still flaws in the wheel that need to be fixed, the HBC machine will notify you

Continue doing this until the HBC Alloy Wheel Straightening Machine recognises that the wheel has been successfully rotated and fixed.

Does wheel straightening work?

With confidence, we can state that alloy wheel straightening is effective. We will have no trouble straightening your wheel(s) as long as the structural integrity is intact! The following are some advantages of alloy wheel straightening for you and your car:

Extended Vehicle and Wheel Lifespan

To extend the life of your automobile, make sure it is properly maintained, which includes straightening your wheels should you find damage. Contacting experts in alloy wheel repair, like Alloy Logic, may have prevented more harm to your car if you had taken care of the damage to your wheels.

Help in your MOT Pass.

Yes, wheel damage may result in a car failing its MOT test if that’s what you’re wondering. Wheel damage can affect not just the steering and suspension systems of your car, but also other parts of it. When required, get your wheels straightened by a professional to ensure your car passes its MOT.

Road Safety

You run the risk of hurting yourself, your passengers, and other people when you drive on damaged wheels. In addition to blowouts and other technical and control concerns, wheel damage can also result in higher fuel consumption. When wheel damage develops, wheel straightening is necessary to keep you safe while driving.

Better Experience When Driving

Shaky steering, handling issues, incorrect tracking, and other symptoms might indicate wheel damage. You’ll notice immediate benefits and a far better driving experience once a professional completes wheel straightening on your car. Make sure you use wheel straightening to get the most out of your car and its wheels.

Is it safe to drive with a bent alloy wheel?

No, driving a car with bent alloy wheels is not safe, and if you suspect your wheels are bent, we strongly advise against it. This is not only extremely risky, but it also has the potential to break valuable parts of your automobile, such as the wheels and steering. Additionally, using damaged alloy wheels might result in a MOT failure and costly repairs for your Wheel Refurbishment Preston.