Preparing for your first meeting with a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) attorney in Los Angeles is crucial to ensure a productive consultation and effectively discuss your case. Knowing what documents and information to bring can streamline the process and provide your attorney with the necessary details to offer informed legal advice. We outline essential items to bring and helpful tips for your initial consultation.

Understanding The Importance of Preparation

The initial meeting with a DUI Attorney sets the foundation for your legal defense. It’s an opportunity to discuss the specifics of your case, understand potential legal strategies, and gauge the attorney’s expertise and approach. Proper preparation ensures that both you and the attorney can make the most of this crucial meeting.

Essential Items to Bring:

  1. Documentation Related to Your DUI Arrest
    • Police Report: Obtain a copy of the police report detailing the circumstances of your arrest, including the reason for the traffic stop, field sobriety tests administered, and any statements made.
    • Court Summons or Ticket: If you’ve received a court summons or citation, bring a copy to the meeting.
    • Bail Documents: If applicable, bring any documentation related to bail or release from custody.
  2. Driver’s License and Vehicle Registration
    • Provide your driver’s license and vehicle registration details. These documents are essential for reviewing any issues related to the legality of the traffic stop or vehicle operation.
  3. Documentation of Chemical Tests
    • Breathalyzer Results: If you took a breathalyzer test, bring documentation showing your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level at the time of arrest.
    • Blood Test Results: If a blood test was conducted, bring copies of the lab results indicating your BAC and any other relevant medical information.
  4. Any Correspondence from the DMV
    • If your driver’s license has been suspended or you’ve received communication from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) regarding administrative actions, bring these documents.
  5. Any Legal Documents or Court Orders
    • If you have any existing court orders, such as probation terms or previous DUI convictions, bring copies to the meeting.
  6. Insurance Information
    • Provide details of your auto insurance coverage, as it may be relevant to your case, especially if the DUI incident involved a vehicle accident.

Additional Information To Share:

  1. Personal Statement
    • Prepare a brief summary of the events leading to your DUI arrest. Include details such as where you were stopped, interactions with law enforcement, and any factors you believe are relevant to your defense.
  2. Questions and Concerns
    • Write down any questions or concerns you have about the legal process, potential penalties, or defense strategies. This ensures that all your inquiries are addressed during the consultation.

Tips for a Productive Consultation

  1. Arrive Early: Plan to arrive early for your appointment to complete any necessary paperwork and ensure a prompt start to your consultation.
  2. Be Honest and Transparent: Provide accurate information about your case, including any prior criminal history or related legal issues. Honesty helps your attorney develop an effective defense strategy tailored to your circumstances.
  3. Listen to Legal Advice: Be open to the attorney’s advice and recommendations based on their expertise in DUI defense law. Ask for clarification if there’s anything you don’t understand.
  4. Discuss Fees and Payment Structure: Clarify the attorney’s fee structure during the initial meeting to understand what services are covered and any potential additional costs.

Why Preparation Matters:

Preparing for your initial meeting with a DUI attorney demonstrates your commitment to resolving your case effectively. By bringing the necessary documents, providing accurate information, and discussing your concerns openly, you empower your attorney to provide informed legal guidance and advocate for your rights. Contact Chesley Lawyers today for expert DUI defense in Los Angeles.


Preparing for your initial meeting with a DUI attorney in Los Angeles is essential for a productive consultation and effective legal representation. By gathering relevant documents, preparing a personal statement, and discussing your concerns openly, you lay the groundwork for a strategic defense tailored to your case. Remember, your attorney is there to advocate for you and protect your rights throughout the legal process. With thorough preparation, you can approach your initial consultation with confidence and set the stage for a positive outcome in your DUI case.