Workplace fires can be accidental and the flames might go up in a short time if they are not put out early. The use of fire extinguishers in the right positions of your workplace is an important measure to safeguard your staff and assets in the event of a fire disaster. But where do you need to put them to use precisely for the shortest time of access?

“Here are the top 5 recommended spots to install fire extinguishers in your office”

1. Near the Main Entrance/Exit

Perhaps, the most crucial area that requires installation of a fire extinguisher is the main entrance/exit of your business premise, particularly if the office space is located on upper floors of a building. This enables it to be visibly located and retrieved by workers within the establishment as well as the initial responders. In case the building is evacuated due to fire or any other reason people can use the extinguisher if they meet it on their way out and if it is safe to do so in order to prevent a small fire from growing and cause more damage.

Ideally, place the extinguisher near the door on the side you would exit so it is easily visible when evacuating but does not obstruct ordinary pedestrian traffic. It is best to position this at about eye level or at about one meter above the ground. It could be that a person has one near an exit and thus it could help them reduce the amount of time needed for evacuation.

2. In every floor area near the staircases

In large office complex buildings, there should be an extinguisher also placed at doorways to stairs well of each floor of the building. This covers any fire outbreaks that could occur in stairway before it spreads upstairs or downstairs.

Stairwells are a component of emergency fire escape exit plans. Besides, the employees could take them on their way out; further, it is known that the staircases are used by firefighters to get to the spot of the fire origin more quickly. The presence of a mounted extinguisher alongside these doors has this value of giving a first response.

3. Indoor or close to computer server/switch rooms

Places like server rooms or network closets where there are many wires and electrical materials are at risk of electrical fires. Another significant point is that the extinguishers as a rule are installed just outside or immediately adjacent to the IT rooms in accordance with their size. This makes it possible to respond to emergencies and extinguish all kinds of fires before they destroy costly equipment or paralyze essential business resources.

Electricity has its own fire which is very disastrous, fast spreading and produces toxic gases. However, the innovative IT employees who work with speed may help to extinguish the fire before significant damage is done that unplug the business. Floor standing units situated right outside the door makes them easily accessible and does not take up much space in any small server room.

4. Office Kitchens/Breakrooms

It is also important that another potential area for the fire extinguisher unit is the office kitchen or the break room. Cooking appliances, clothing irons, natural gas stoves, electric coils, microwaves, toaster ovens, boiling liquids can turn these into a fire hot zone. This extinguisher must be easily accessible for employees to be able to adequately put out stove, electrical or grease fires before they get out of hand or spread.

It is preferable to install extinguishers where they are easily accessible by personnel, and not where cooking activities take place since these might hinder access. Educate kitchen users on how to use them without being burnt by the hot plate. This could also help to avoid cases of staff suffering injuries or cases where cooking fires extend to the staff areas thus causing massive losses.

5. Inside Large Conference/Meeting Rooms

In case of large meeting or conference halls, arrange to have a unit installed within the room where it would be used. However, while less likely, fires could originate from equipment like overhead projectors, lighting equipment, or sound equipment. Having one in the interior ensures all the occupants and presenters can easily reach it in case of fire breakout.

Also, there must be other movable extinguishers mounted near the stage, podium, or audiovisual control to be easily accessed by the meeting’s organizers. They will not be as accustomed to the layouts of the rooms and equipment that will be used. Having units scattered around is visibility and easy to mobilize in case of an event such as this one today.

Location is as important as occupants as proper positioning of equipment and man and material is a crucial factor of success.

Do not forget that it is not enough to have fire extinguishers in a workplace to prevent the fire; they should be used correctly. They also need to be placed where there will not be any hindrances to Staff getting to them when time is of the essence!

While placing the units, it will be wise to take some factors into consideration, which include; sightlines, distance to potential hazards, evacuation routes and other zones that are considered as unsafe. Even the maintenance, operation, and deployment should be trained for the employees too. By taking litter consideration for placement and readiness, mounted office extinguishers are worth their weight in gold as they can prevent or limit the impact of untold costs, damages and in some cases, lives during any disaster. Stay alert, discuss positioning with local fire services, and check for outdated units frequently! Your preparation for the future might be the biggest boon in the future in case it avails itself.