Satta Matka, a popular form of gambling originating in India, has developed a unique lexicon over the years. Understanding the terminology is crucial for anyone looking to delve into this intriguing world. Here is the ultimate glossary to help you navigate the Satta Matka landscape.

  1. Satta Matka

Satta Matka is a form of lottery that involves betting on random numbers. It started in the 1950s and has since evolved, incorporating various game types and betting methods.

  1. Matka

Originally, a Matka referred to an earthen pot from which numbers were drawn. Today, the term denotes the game itself.

  1. Satta

“Satta” means betting or gambling. In the context of Satta Matka, it refers to the act of placing a bet on a specific number.

  1. Single

A Single is a bet placed on any one number between 0 and 9.

  1. Jodi

Jodi, meaning pair, is a bet on two-digit numbers ranging from 00 to 99. The two digits can be any number between 0 and 9.

  1. Panna (Panel)

Panna refers to a three-digit result derived from a combination of numbers. There are 220 possible Panna combinations in the game.

**7. Open and Close

In Satta Matka, the game is played in two halves: the Open and Close. The first draw is known as the Open, and the second draw is the Close.

  1. Patti

Patti, similar to Panna, refers to a three-digit number. The term is often used interchangeably with Panna.

  1. Sangam

Sangam is a unique bet that combines the Open and Close Panna, creating a six-digit number. It’s a challenging bet with higher rewards.

  1. Cycle Panna

Cycle Panna involves predicting the next number in a sequence of Panna results. It’s a more advanced and less common type of bet.

  1. Full Sangam

Full Sangam is a bet on both the Open and Close results for all digits. It’s a high-risk, high-reward type of bet.

  1. DP (Double Patti)

DP, or Double Patti, refers to a bet on a three-digit number where two digits are the same, such as 112 or 334.

  1. TP (Triple Patti)

TP, or Triple Patti, involves betting on a three-digit number where all digits are the same, such as 111 or 555.

  1. SP (Single Patti)

SP, or Single Patti, refers to a bet on a three-digit number with all unique digits, such as 123 or 456.

  1. Berij

Berij is a number derived from the last digit of the sum of the Open and Close results. It is used in various betting strategies.

  1. Cutting Panna

Cutting Panna involves eliminating certain Panna combinations to increase the chances of winning by narrowing down the possibilities.

  1. Farak

Farak is the difference between the Open and Close results. It’s often used to identify patterns and predict future outcomes.

  1. Jackpot

Jackpot refers to a large winning amount. In Satta Matka, hitting the jackpot means winning a significant sum by accurately predicting the results.

  1. Kalyan Matka

Kalyan Matka is a variant of Satta Matka, named after Kalyanji Bhagat, one of the pioneers of the game. It has its own set of rules and timings.

  1. Mumbai Matka

Mumbai Matka is another popular variant named after the city of Mumbai. It follows a similar format to Kalyan Matka but operates at different times.

  1. Time Bazar

Time Bazar is a specific type of Satta Matka game that operates at predetermined times. It’s known for its fast-paced betting.

  1. Milan Day/Night

Milan Day and Milan Night are variations of Satta Matka that are played during the day and night, respectively. They have distinct betting windows and results.

  1. Rajdhani Day/Night

Rajdhani Day and Rajdhani Night are other time-based variations of the game. Named after the capital city, they offer different betting opportunities.

  1. Main Ratan

Main Ratan refers to the primary result in a Satta Matka game. It is the main number drawn from the pot.

  1. Chart

A Chart in Satta Matka is a record of past results. Players use charts to analyze patterns and devise betting strategies.

  1. Result Panel

The Result Panel displays the outcomes of the draws. It’s an essential tool for players to verify their bets and plan future wagers.

  1. Banker

A Banker is an individual or entity that operates the Satta Matka game, accepting bets and paying out winnings.

  1. Commission

Commission refers to the fee charged by the Banker for facilitating bets. It’s usually a percentage of the winnings.

  1. Fixing

Fixing involves manipulating the results to ensure a predetermined outcome. While illegal and unethical, it has been a part of Satta Matka’s history.

  1. Guessing

Guessing is the practice of predicting the outcome of a draw based on analysis, intuition, or tips from experienced players.

  1. Matka King

A Matka King is a person who has achieved significant success and recognition in the Satta Matka world, often amassing substantial wealth.

  1. Tips

Tips are pieces of advice or predictions provided by experienced players or tipsters. They can help beginners make informed bets.

Understanding these terms is the first step toward mastering Satta Matka. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, this glossary serves as a comprehensive guide to the game’s unique language. Always remember to play responsibly and within legal boundaries.