
Video communication today is one form of communication that assumes a lot of power in the business world and one that can be used by business to improve consumer relations. Corporate videos as a form of business communication are flexible, appealing, and effective tool for storytelling, which can be used by the companies to tell about their products and services, to appeal to the emotions and to gain a strategic advantage in a battle for the clients.

This article explores three primary ways in which corporate videos enhance brand visibility:

  1. Introducing the Products and Services in an Informative yet Creative Manner
  2. Creating More Meaningful Links and Understanding between Consumers
  3. Leading advertising initiatives and communicating primary messages

From brand exposure perspective, I trust that you will agree more with me by the time you complete this piece that corporate video is hugely beneficial for your business. Now it is important to explain each of the benefits in more details:

”Being able to introduce products and services in an entertaining format is also important.“

The first benefit that can be derived from corporate videos is its advantage to communicate new and existing products from a company to existing and potential consumers. Where as conventional literature tools like brochures or specifications sheets are generally dull, flat and uninviting filled with cramped text, corporate videos on the other hand, make things lively, dynamic and powerful with graphics, demonstrations and even real-life instances of use.

For instance, corporate video for a tech firm could include animations in form of new features on an application, interviews with the firm’s personnel or clients, as well as ‘demonstrations’ of the software in use through acting. These videos personalize products so that when people are making a first pass emotional response, they are more likely to take that brand and categorize it and remember it in some way.

This goes further to mean that, while using corporate videos, companies are in a position to adapt the content of the video to fit the needs of the target audience. micro-branding – targeted and specific videos can be made for clients, investors, media, employees, and others to get the right branding messages across more effectively. Rather than approaching it in a very general way or a one-size-fits-all approach, firms can adjust their advertising appeals to be more effective within segments.

Tribalism, Consumer Engagement and the Pursuit of a New Reality

Another metric where corporate videos contribute highly to the visibility of a brand is the ability to foster trust and a genuine relationship with consumers. Thus, corporate videos that are narrated in a captivating manner, while depicting the culture, mission and values of the company as well as its products can go a long way in making audiences embrace the company and can enhance branding perceptions to a great extent.

Some of the impactful videos that a brand can create to humanize themselves include emotive customer testimonials, behind the scenes videos illustrating how the company’s products are made, community initiates- where the company gives back to society, or anniversary celebrations where the company recognizes the efforts of its employees. Here, the ethics, culture and purpose of the company are what consumers of today, particularly the generations, are very sensitive to. When corporations create videos that offer viewers relevant insights into these areas, firms can reignite and reinstate the compatibility of their missions with customers’ beliefs, which always results in far-reaching brand appreciation and recall.

B2B companies also stand to gain significantly from corporate videos that speak to the problem solving that forms the core of most their products /services as well as real life testimonials. It is by explaining how brands consequently enhance client operation and performance that the trust in the process evolves over time – the foundation of a real relationship.

This involves the execution of marketing communication campaigns and spreading of core organisational messages.

As places for digital marketing transform today, corporate videos have earned their rightful place as key brand assets promoting branding across social media platforms, the corporate site, blogs, ads, and many other platforms. That is why they can be easily compiled into several formats to fit the desired platforms – from square videos for Instagram to lengthy contents for the YouTube channels, for example. reproduced

A perfect example of this is when brands create one excellent quality corporate video asset about a product launch or a significant event, they cut this video into various segments that are perfect for the different social media platforms, and watch them go viral in owned, earned, and paid media. While banners, posts, emails, and ads have become rather stale, videos bring a new level of interactivity to the message conveys – and the results are most effective, as the main points can be illustrated regardless of language barriers. Equally beneficial is that, as a medium, video uses several areas of sensory perception – vision, hearing and others, giving more tips for enhanced understanding and retention across the world among audiences.

According to the statistics, video marketing proves to be a great investment in enhancing website visits, sales, keyword rankings, and ad ROI. That figure is expected to be surpassed by 2022 as online videos make up over 80% of the total internet traffic – this has boosted the demand for corporate video production to record double-digit growth in budget allocations annually across industries. When used in an appropriate and planned manner, corporate videos act as a branding avenue which brings in a definite improvement in the branding strategies and their approach across the various tactics and media.


The top three benefits for corporate videos have been explored here in detail as introducing products and communicating about them in an attractive and engaging manner, establishing real relations with buyers based on trust, and helping to boost cross-channel marketing efforts through flexible and easily sharable video content. Any company that invests heavily in the use of video in its branding and communication endeavors is likely to enjoy large returns in terms of better audience attention, recognition and loyalty in the long run.

In fast growing competition, the corporate videos can be a key factor making a differentiation between brands and leaving a favorable impression. Therefore, as the consumption of visual content continues to increase, creating video content is no longer an option but rather a necessity for enterprises that wish to brand themselves for the future now and in the near future. As being compelling communication tools in sight, sound and motion – corporate videos take the visibility and business success to the new level for brands.