eLearning translations can be challenging regardless of your eLearning experience. The whole process can be less stressful and more successful if you steer clear of a few key mistakes. If you have a global company in an industry translation will help your multilingual employees to learn better. Here are some of the major eLearning translation mistakes as well as tips on how to avoid them and achieve high-quality translations. Keep reading

Poor Visual Presentation

This involves using images and graphics containing embedded text that cannot be translated which makes the message change the whole meaning of the translation. When choosing images for your e-learning it is critical to select those that are free of culture or country-specific images. It is even recommended that you go with images and graphics that are recognised globally. It’s also important to avoid using images containing science and case just or any particular culture.

Starting Translation Without Any Research

The major mistake of eLearning translation is diving into translating your work without prior research. To allow the audience the opportunity to achieve their performance goals and learning objectives it is important to know what those goals and objectives are and how the content can best serve them. Before starting the translation process, it is important to do enough research to make it more reliable and efficient.

Using Slang

Some specific words may be used in some countries which may be completely miss-constructed in others. So, to avoid such E-Learning mistakes it is important to live out slang and cultural-specific jargon that may hinder the overall learning experience. The targeted audience may get bored if the translated material contains similar stories as well as images and symbols. This may not therefore provide the context for the intended audience. Ultimately it is critical to keep cultural differences in mind while translating.

Making It Brief

The target language will need more words to describe the same meaning as the source language. To accommodate the expansion material in the target language, it is important to create content with high margin error. However, this doesn’t mean the translated material should be excessively long as it will be boring to the readers.

 Lack Of Enough Space for Translated Text

The quality of the translated material is of utmost importance and it will not make any difference if it doesn’t fit the existing translation material. Some languages will take more space which means that they have to leave enough room for expansion of the text. Others become condensed when translating the e-learning material. It is important to choose a flexible layout that can accommodate a wide range of language text. Also, it is critical to choose a font that can be used in a variety of markets rather than one that is customized and may lead to confusion.


These are some of the common mistakes that you should avoid when doing eLearning translation. Mitigating such mistakes will help you create relatable learning experiences that are relevant and effective for the target audience. Working with an expert in eLearning translations will help you save up on a tonne of things such as time and money. It also ensures your health and high-quality outcomes from your translations.

Source: Mistakes To Avoid When Doing eLearning Translations