New Zealand is a highly popular country worldwide that is recognized for its pristine beauty and other features. The highest level of safety, cool environment, and cooperative people are some of the exclusive benefits associated with this place.

Now, is your partner already settled and working there? If yes, then why are you missing your family unnecessarily? You can also apply for jobs and live together in New Zealand. For that, you must have an approved partnership work visa NZ in hand. 

This visa will not only let you join your partner but also allow you to work in the desired profile.

Extending Partnership Work Visa NZ

How Much Time Can You Spend in New Zealand with this Visa?

You can easily stay with your partner after getting approval for your partnership work visa in NZ. However, the time of stay may vary a bit based on certain conditions. They are as follows:

  1. Two years—You will be permitted to stay in New Zealand with your partner for two years provided they have been in a stable relationship for more than a year.
  2. One year—You and your partner will be allowed to stay together in New Zealand for a year, provided both have stayed together for less than twelve months.

For more details, it will be wise to sign up with a trustworthy immigration consultant. As you will be getting to work with a team of highly skilled immigration advisers, coming across decent updates will become easy. 

You will also find details regarding the essential documents that you are supposed to submit when making an application.

What are the Limitations of this Visa?

In terms of limitations, the partnership work visa NZ is valid for a maximum period of two years. It will be wise to apply for a residence-based visa, provided your relationship is stable. 

Including the names of dependent children in this specific visa application is not permitted. Still, your children can apply for their visas. Are you a resident of Indonesia and planning to work in New Zealand?

If yes, then you better apply for an Indonesia special work visa in New Zealand, provided you have the job offer of being a trained chef or slaughterer. To learn more about the process, you need to make your way to a reliable immigration consultant.

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