A credit score is simply a three-digit number that encodes how trustworthy you are financially as far as potential lenders are concerned. So, the likelihood that you will be able to repay loans or otherwise manage money wisely. Knowing your credit score and ensuring it looks healthy can save you cash and provide you access to a wider selection of financing options if you are considering obtaining a loan or credit card.
If you want to check CIBIL score free, there are genuine measures to track your credit score without spending a single dime.
What are credit scores?
Credit scores are from 300 to 900. A score as high as 900 indicates a higher likelihood of approving a loan or credit under favourable terms. A good score suggests responsible credit activity; high scores typically indicate on-time payments, low debt amounts, or low utilisation. In contrast, lower scores can be red flags for missed payment history, higher debts, or poor management.
A credit score is a numerical number that Financial Institutions use to check whether you can obtain a product such as a Personal Loan, home loan, credit card, etc. A high rating brings many bonuses: a favourable interest rate and a large limit. A low score, on the other hand, can limit your choices during the process or make it more expensive.
Get free CIBIL score online
In India, there are many credit bureaus, among which CIBIL is one where you can check your score free of cost once a year. Here are free CIBIL score checks you can do:
1. Official website: Navigate to the official CIBIL website and create an account if you do not already possess one.
2. Fill in your details: Your name, birth date, pan and contact details
3. Confirm your identity: You may have to answer some security questions or do an OTP verification.
4. Get your report: After the verification, you can check your CIBIL report and score at no cost.
Other platforms also provide a free check of your credit score. Make sure that the platform you are using is safe and legitimate.
Here are tips to keep your credit score high
- Make timely repayments: Paying dues such as credit cards or loan EMIs on time greatly increases your score.
- Maintain low credit utilisation ratio: Never exceed 30% of the credit card balance to demonstrate that you know how to use credit.
- Check your credit report: A periodic free CIBIL score check could help identify any mismatches or unwanted activities that may hamper the score.
- Limit credit applications: Applying for multiple loans briefly may raise red flags about financial distress to creditors.
Your credit score is an extremely useful tool for formulating a plan for financial success. Knowing what it can do and how to check your credit health regularly, you can manage your finances properly and build the foundation for a safe future.