Blue sapphire, also known as Neelam stone, is a powerful gemstone associated with the planet Saturn (Shani). It is known for its numerous astrological benefits, including enhanced financial stability, mental clarity, and emotional balance. However, because of its potent effects, it’s crucial to ensure that the Neelam stone suits you before wearing it. In this blog, we will explore various methods to determine if blue sapphire is the right gemstone for you.

Consult an Experienced Astrologer

The first and most important step in determining if a blue sapphire suits you is to consult with an experienced astrologer. An astrologer can analyze your birth chart (kundali) and assess the position of Saturn and other planets. They will consider various factors, such as your ascendant, moon sign, and the houses Saturn influences. Based on this comprehensive analysis, the astrologer can recommend whether wearing a Neelam stone will be beneficial or if it might cause adverse effects.

Perform a Trial Period (Astrological Testing)

If an astrologer recommends trying a blue sapphire, it is wise to perform a trial period before committing to wearing it permanently. Here’s how you can conduct an astrological test:

  1. Select a Suitable Day and Time: The trial period should begin on an auspicious day, such as a Saturday, and during a favorable planetary hour.
  2. Wear the Stone Correctly: The blue sapphire should be set in silver and worn on the middle finger of your right hand. Ensure the gemstone touches your skin.
  3. Observe for Three Days: Wear the Neelam stone for three days and closely monitor your experiences. Pay attention to any significant changes in your life, both positive and negative. If you notice positive outcomes such as increased clarity, stability, or prosperity, it indicates that the stone suits you. Conversely, if you experience negative effects like health issues, accidents, or sudden losses, it may not be suitable.
  4. Consult Your Astrologer Again: After the trial period, discuss your experiences with your astrologer. They can help you interpret the results and decide whether to continue wearing the blue sapphire.

Physical and Emotional Reactions

During the trial period, be mindful of your physical and emotional reactions. The Neelam stone’s energy can manifest in various ways, including:

  • Physical Health: Notice any changes in your physical well-being. A suitable blue sapphire should bring a sense of vitality and improvement in health. If you experience discomfort, fatigue, or unexplained health issues, it may not be suitable.
  • Mental Clarity and Focus: A compatible Neelam stone enhances mental clarity, concentration, and decision-making abilities. If you find yourself feeling more focused and organized, it is a good sign. On the other hand, increased confusion or mental stress indicates incompatibility.
  • Emotional Stability: Blue sapphire promotes emotional balance and calmness. Observe if you feel more peaceful, content, and emotionally stable. Negative emotions like anxiety, fear, or irritability suggest that the stone may not suit you.

Examine the Gemstone’s Authenticity

To ensure accurate results, it is crucial to use a genuine blue sapphire. Fake or low-quality stones can produce misleading effects. Here are some tips to verify the authenticity of a Neelam stone:

  • Certification: Purchase a certified blue sapphire from a reputable dealer. A certificate from a recognized gemological laboratory ensures the stone’s authenticity and quality.
  • Physical Inspection: Authentic blue sapphires have specific characteristics, such as a rich blue color, transparency, and minimal inclusions. Consult a gemologist to examine the stone if you have any doubts.


Determining if a blue sapphire (Neelam stone) suits you requires careful consideration and guidance from an experienced astrologer. Conducting a trial period and monitoring your physical and emotional reactions can provide valuable insights into the gemstone’s compatibility with your unique energy. By taking these steps, you can harness the powerful benefits of blue sapphire and enhance various aspects of your life with confidence and safety.