Teenagers face many challenges, including relationships with friends, family, school, and so much more. Sometimes, all of this can make teenagers feel worried or scared. We call this feeling anxiety.

In Singapore, many teenagers struggle with anxiety. Therapy for anxiety in teenagers can really help. One type of therapy that works well is group therapy. Let’s talk about how group therapy can help teenagers in Singapore deal with their anxiety.


What Is Group Therapy for Anxiety?

Group therapy is when a few people meet together with a therapist. In this case, it would be a group of teenagers who all have anxiety.

They sit together and talk about their feelings and experiences. The therapist helps guide the conversation and teaches them ways to feel better.


Why Group Therapy Works for Teenagers?


You Are Not Alone

Many teenagers think they are the only ones feeling anxious. In group therapy, they meet other teens with similar worries. This helps them feel less alone. They can see that other people understand what they are going through.


Learning from Others

In group therapy, teenagers can learn from each other. Someone might share a trick that helped them feel less anxious. Others can try this method as well. It’s like having a team to help you figure things out.


Practice Talking to People

Some teenagers with anxiety find it hard to talk to others. Group therapy gives them a safe place to practice. They can work on their social skills without feeling too scared.


Building Confidence

As teenagers share their stories and help others, they start to feel more confident. They learn that they have valuable things to say. This can make them feel better about themselves.


Different Points of View

Everyone in the group has different experiences. This means teenagers can hear many ways of looking at problems. It can help them see their own problems in a new light.


What Happens in Group Therapy?

Group therapy sessions for teenagers with anxiety in Singapore usually follow a pattern:



At the start of each session, everyone says how they are feeling. They might talk about any anxiety they’ve had since the last meeting.


Learning New Skills

The therapist teaches the group new ways to deal with anxiety. This might include breathing exercises or ways to change negative thoughts.


Group Activities

The teenagers might do activities together. These help them practice the new skills they have learned.


Sharing Time

There’s usually time for anyone to share a problem they are having. The group can offer support and ideas to help.


Finding Group Therapy in Singapore for Anxiety

If you think group therapy might help your teenager with anxiety, there are ways to find it in Singapore:

  • Ask your family doctor for recommendations.
  • Check with school counselors. They might know about local groups.
  • Look for mental health clinics that offer therapy for anxiety in teenagers.
  • Search online for youth mental health services in Singapore.



Dealing with anxiety isn’t easy, especially for teenagers. However, group therapy for anxiety in teenagers can be a powerful tool to help. In Singapore, more and more teenagers are finding relief through group therapy. It offers a safe place to share feelings, learn new skills, and connect with others who understand.