LiFePO4 Battery Charging

Charging power

Charge power should be less than the maximum value specified in the product with higher power than recommended value may cause damage to cells’ electrical, mechanical, and safety performance and could lead to heat generation or leakage.

Charge voltage

LiFePO4 cells shall be charged shall be done by voltage less than 3.65V. Charging beyond 3.65V, which is the absolute maximum voltage, must be strictly prohibited. The charger and protection circuit of battery pack shall be designed to comply with this condition. It is very dangerous that charging with higher voltage than the maximum value and may cause damage to the cell electrical, mechanical safety performance and could lead to heat generation or leakage.

Charging temperature:

LiFePO4 battery cells shall be charged at 0~45℃ environment temperature specified in the product specification. In case of environment temperature is lower than 10℃, the lifepo4 cells shall be charged with a little current(no larger than 0.2C). If the environment temperature is lower than 0℃, charge shall be prohibited.

Prohibition of Reverse Charge

Reverse charging is prohibited. Cells shall be connected correctly. The polarity has to be confirmed before wiring. In case of the cell is connected improperly, the cell cannot be charged. The reverse charging may cause damage to the cell which may lead to degradation of cell performance and damage the cell safety, and could cause heat generation or leakage.

LiFePO4 Battery Discharging:

Discharge power:

The lifepo4 cell shall be discharged at less than the maximum discharge current specified in the product specification. High discharging current may reduce the discharge capacity significantly or cause over-heat.

Discharge Temperature:

LiFePO4 cells shall be discharged at -20~60℃ environment temperature specified in the product specification.


It should be noted that cells would be at an over-discharged status due to self-discharge characteristics in case they were not used for a long time. In order to prevent over-discharging, cells shall be charged periodically to maintain the voltage between 3.2v and 3.4V. Over-discharging may cause the loss of cell performance, characteristics, or battery functions.