Hair plays an important role in one’s personality, and it is also one of the most important elements in the beauty industry. Trying new hair styling techniques can transform one’s look. One can look more cheerful, youthful, and classy with correct hair styling. The pollution factor and the deterioration of our climate day by day lead to damage to the hair. 

The horrendous health of the hair, in turn, leads to low confidence and self-esteem among people. To cover up the damage and thinning of their hair, people are now looking for options such as a hair transplant or hair extension. There is a surge in hair extension salons in Melbourne and other countries. 

In this article, we will discuss how hair extension is better than hair transplant. 

What is a Hair Transplant?

Hair transplantation is a process done to achieve more follies into one’s scalp. The process includes extracting follies from the donor and disintegrating them in the scalp of the retrieving area. In simple terms, hair transplantation is a process in which hair follicles are moved from one place to the other. It is a very critical process, and it must be taken care of minutely throughout the process. 

What is a Hair Extension?

Hair extensions are certain pieces of hair that can be clipped into existing hair. Hair extensions come in almost every hair colour and texture. Hair extensions are popular because of their ease of access and the ability to detach it from the original hair. Hair colour Melbourne, along with many other cities and countries worldwide, is adopting coloured hair extensions. The process of attaching hair extensions is so simple that one can get a hair extension at a hair extension salon in Melbourne and also in their nearby salons. 

Hair extensions are growing popular among women who are getting married or attending other functions and events. Bridal hair styling in Melbourne and other cities is surging among netizens because it gives a completely new look to the bride, which makes her special day more special.

The distinction between hair transplantation and hair extensions

  • Ease in conducting the process

Hair transplantation is a complex process. In this process, one needs to undergo surgery under professional surveillance, where hair follicles are added to one’s scalp. It might be a painful process as well. In the case of hair extensions, it is easy to access. It is made up of human hair or artificial hair. 

It has an attached clipping system that allows you to clip it into your original hair. One can easily put hair extensions without anyone’s help, but in the case of permanent hair extensions, one needs to visit a hair extension salon in Melbourne or in any city they live in. It is still a very simple process. 

  • Care or maintenance of hair

If your hair has undergone the process of hair transplantation, then it is very important to take care of it in its initial stages. It needs intensive care when the follies are settling down. However, hair extensions could be slightly difficult to take care of, so washing them is not a difficult task. Hair extension salons in Melbourne and in other cities suggest customers visit the salons frequently to get the extensions placed and clipped correctly.

  • Cost-effectiveness

Hair transplantation can be very expensive for some people. As it is a complex process and requires medical assistance, many people cannot afford it. However, in the case of hair extensions, they are super cheap and highly affordable. Even the most premium quality of hair extensions and permanent hair extension processes can be afforded on a large scale. 

  • Durability and permanency

Once you undergo the process of a hair transplant, it ensures more than 90% permanency. If the process is not done under the surveillance of the experts, it can cause infection in hair follicles, which in turn leads to hair fall. The process is expensive, and if not done properly, the customer might experience immense dissatisfaction. 

Meanwhile, in hair extensions, there is nothing to worry about, such as permanency. One can use them according to their needs and requirements. Hair stylists are famous for using hair extensions for bridal hair styling in Melbourne and in other cities as well. The trend of using extensions is growing more popular day by day. 

Taking care of your hair

Not only for hair extensions or hair styling, many hair treatments and hair colours in Melbourne and in many other cities have gained immense popularity. In today’s world, it is very important to keep your hair protected from harsh chemicals and rapid climate change. To achieve this goal of protecting one’s hair health, one should use eco-friendly and ethical hair care products.

The eco-friendly products safeguard one’s hair health from deteriorating and also prevent hair damage and hair fall. Even if you are considering any hair treatments, such as permanent straightening or keratin treatment, you must ask your salon about the products they are using. 


Hair extensions are semi-permanent, cost-effective, and easier to process than a hair transplant procedure. Hair styling, hair colouring, and hair extensions have seen a surge in today’s time, as never before. It depicts that people are growing conscious about their hair health. With proper care and visiting good salons, you can improve your hair health and strengthen it again. Search for a better choice when it comes to hair styling, hair colouring, or bridal hair styling in Melbourne or any city you live in.