The recent March 2024 core update has been a blow to websites with low quality content and poor marketing strategies – it has brought significant changes in search rankings and user experience. In this article, we discuss the key features of Google’s March 2024 core update and its impact on SEO.

Google’s March 2024 Core Update – What it’s all about?

This is one of Google’s biggest core algorithmic updates, a lengthy one too since it took 45 days to roll out. According to a Google spokesperson, reducing low quality, unoriginal content in the SERPs was the main goal. They also confirmed that this update focuses on identifying the helpfulness of a content, and is set to change multiple core systems.

Google has been making hundreds of changes to its search algorithm every year, be it minor tweaks or major updates, they can have a significant impact on the SERPs. And they have confirmed that, after the rollout of the March 2024 core update, unhelpful content in Google search has been reduced by 40%.

Key Features

Unlike the usual algorithmic update, this one has a core update and another spam update – the former focusing on the overall quality and relevance of the search results while the latter targeting spammy content in the SERPs. Here are some key points that you should know about the update.

Reducing Unoriginal Content in SERPs is the Main Purpose

Having started the effort to reduce unoriginal content in 2022, Google now has the core ranking systems that help understand if a page is helpful or not in user’s point of view.

Improving Vital Ranking Mechanisms is a Clear Goal

The ranking algorithms are fine-tuned and new spam restrictions are being implemented – It’s said that websites with spammy techniques will face penalties or deindexing.

AI-Generated Content Can Trigger Penalties

Google warns websites to stay away from AI-generated content – This March 2024 core update has seen top websites relying on AI content vanishing from Google’s index.

Previous Rankings Will Not Guarantee Website Exemption

There is a major shift in Google’s ranking approach and it’s clear that your website performance in SERPs has nothing to do with your previous rankings. Even websites ranking in first page top positions may face penalties if they do not follow the quality guidelines.

What Can Be Done

• Follow a proper content-optimization strategy – Remove content that are outdated and generates low traffic. Create high-quality, original content instead.

• Improve internal linking ad optimize the meta elements of your website – This will definitely help.

• Image performance is equally important.

• Page speed and user experience are two important aspects that needs to be considered.

Author Bio:

The article discusses the expert insights on the Google’s March 2024 core update and what a website owner can do to withstand its effects. If you want someone to help, get it touch with us. We as a digital marketing agency in India, offer high-quality SEO services to businesses worldwide. For more details, visit