In today’s rapidly advancing technological world, voice recognition has become a prominent feature across various devices. From smartphones to smart homes, we can now control our gadgets using just our voices. But have you ever thought about implementing this technology in your projects? With the help of Arduino Voice Recognition and the BlueAct app for Android, you can now easily integrate voice recognition into your projects and take them to the next level.

In this article:

  • We explore how to utilize Arduino along with the app on Android to integrate voice recognition technology into your personal projects, enhancing their interactivity and functionality.
  • Step-by-step guidance is provided on setting up the voice recognition feature, including hardware requirements, software setup, and practical examples to get you started.
  • The article also covers the potential applications of voice-enabled projects, such as creating smart home devices, interactive art installations, or innovative educational tools, demonstrating the versatility and power of combining Arduino with voice recognition technology.

Understanding Arduino Voice Recognition

Arduino is an open-source platform used for building electronic projects. It consists of a hardware board along with a software development environment. One of the key features of Arduino is its ability to interact with other devices through different interfaces, such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. This makes it a popular choice for DIY projects, robotics, and automation.

But what about voice recognition? Arduino does not have built-in voice recognition capabilities, but thanks to various software libraries and modules, we can easily add this feature to our projects. One of the most widely used methods is using a voice recognition module that connects to an Arduino board through a serial port.

Introducing BlueAct App

Now that we have an understanding of Arduino and its capabilities, let’s talk about the BlueAct app. Developed by Zainal Fitri Ramadhan, this app allows us to control our devices or projects using voice commands sent via Bluetooth. The app provides a user-friendly interface for configuring and managing voice commands, making it easier for beginners to get started with Arduino Voice Recognition.

Getting Started

To start using Arduino Voice Recognition with the app, you will need an Arduino board and a voice recognition module such as the EasyVR or VISEC. You will also need to download and install the app on your Android device from the Google Play Store.

Next, connect the voice recognition module to your Arduino board following the manufacturer’s instructions. Then, open the app and pair your Android device with the Bluetooth module connected to your Arduino board.

Setting up Voice Commands

Once you have successfully paired your devices, it’s time to set up voice commands in the app. The app allows you to add custom commands and associate them with corresponding actions that you want your Arduino board to perform. For example, you can set the command “Turn on LED” and associate it with the action of turning on an LED connected to your Arduino board.

The app also allows you to set up multiple commands and actions, making it possible to control different aspects of your project using just your voice.

Advantages of Using Arduino Voice Recognition

Arduino Voice Recognition combined with the app offers considerable advantages for hobbyists, educators, and developers. Whether it’s for a school project, a home automation system, or a professional product, this combination of technology can significantly enhance the functionality and user experience. With the ability to execute commands through voice, we’re not only adding convenience but also empowering users with a new level of interaction. Below, we’ll delve into the top ten advantages of using Arduino Voice Recognition in your projects.

  1. Highly Interactive: Voice recognition brings a new level of interactivity to your Arduino projects. It allows users to control devices with simple voice commands, making the interaction more intuitive and hands-free.
  2. Ease of Use: With the app, setting up voice commands is a breeze. The user-friendly interface makes it easy even for beginners to create and manage voice commands.
  3. Customizability: The system allows for custom voice commands and actions. This means you can tailor the commands to your project’s specific needs, providing a bespoke user experience.
  4. Increased Accessibility: Voice recognition makes your projects more accessible. It’s particularly beneficial for individuals with physical impairments as they can control devices without the need for physical interaction.
  5. Advanced Integration: Arduino’s compatibility with multiple software libraries and modules means you can easily integrate voice recognition into your existing projects, enhancing their functionality.
  6. Cost-Effective: Arduino boards and voice recognition modules are relatively cheap compared to other microcontroller platforms, making it a cost-effective solution for your projects.
  7. Educational Value: Implementing voice recognition in Arduino projects provides a significant learning experience. It allows hobbyists and students to acquire valuable knowledge in areas such as programming, electronics, and human-computer interaction.
  8. Versatility: Voice recognition can be used in a wide range of applications, from home automation and robotics to interactive art installations and games, adding versatility to your projects.
  9. Innovation: Using voice recognition in your projects fosters innovation. It encourages creative problem-solving and the development of unique, cutting-edge solutions.
  10. Future-Ready: As voice recognition is increasingly becoming a standard feature in technology, integrating it into your projects means you’re preparing for the future and staying relevant in the technological landscape.

These advantages make Arduino Voice Recognition an excellent choice for your projects. It’s a powerful tool that can open up a world of possibilities for your creativity.

Potential Applications

The possibilities of using Arduino Voice Recognition in different projects are endless. Here are a few examples of how this technology can be applied:

  • Creating a home automation system where you can control your lights, appliances, and security system using voice commands.
  • Building a smart car that responds to voice commands for navigation, music playback, and more.
  • Developing a robot that follows voice commands for various tasks like picking up objects or navigating through an environment.


Arduino Voice Recognition, paired with the BlueAct app, can significantly enhance your projects, bringing forth a high level of interactivity and convenience. The potential applications of this technology are vast, spanning from home automation to robotics, offering a wide scope of possibilities. With continuous advancements in technology, the scope and ease of voice recognition are only set to improve. This technology is not just about futuristic flair, it’s about creating more accessible and user-friendly environments.