The body experiences numerous changes throughout pregnancy, including changes in eating patterns and mood swings. Dysgeusia is the name for the shift in eating habits. Women are reported to have pregnancy cravings for sour foods like tamarind, pickles, and lemons around this time. These cravings are known to occur in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Although many believe that eating tamarind during this time can be unsafe, scientists believe that eating tamarind in moderation during pregnancy can actually be beneficial to both the mother and the fetus. Let’s look at this article to learn its potential benefits as well as side effects.

Is It Good to Eat Imli in Pregnancy?

It is safe for pregnant women to eat tamarind, but only in moderation. Minerals like calcium, potassium, and sodium are found in tamarinds. They are also a good source of vitamin C, which is necessary for the development of fetuses in the womb. Adequate supplemental intake of vitamin C minimizes the risks of pregnancy as well as delivery-related complications in your last trimester, which can be easily calculated using a pregnancy calculator.

Tamarind, being a rich source of iron, balances the body’s increasing blood volume, further lowering the risk of early labor signs and the chances of delivering an underweight baby. Tamarind can be a beneficial addition to a pregnant woman’s diet. It is versatile and can be eaten raw or added to curries and chutneys.

What are the Potential Side-effects of Eating Imli in Pregnancy?

Eating tamarind carries multiple risks, particularly when consumed in large or uncontrolled quantities. Among them are:

  1. Ibuprofen is more readily absorbed by the body when tamarind is present. This can be risky in the third trimester as taking ibuprofen at that time may result in permanently closing the baby’s heart pathway.
  2. Tamarind raises the possibility of aspirin over-absorption. This may thin the blood and prevent your baby from getting enough nutrients.
  3. A blood sugar imbalance might result from consuming excessive amounts of tamarind.
  4. Eating tamarind in excess might raise blood pressure.
  5. Excessive consumption of tamarind during the first trimester of pregnancy can result in miscarriage.
  6. Consuming too much tamarind can result in diarrhoea as it functions as a laxative, and consuming more can make the condition worse.
  7. Eating raw, undiluted Imli in pregnancy can be harmful to the developing fetus if you have fluorosis.

Pregnancy Tips to include Tamarind in your Pregnancy Diet

Here are the pregnancy tips to help you consume tamarind in moderation to remain safe from its potential side effects:

  1. When eating tamarind or Imli while pregnant, be careful to eat them with other foods rather than in their raw or undiluted form.
  2. Additionally, you could look into several Indian cuisines such as rasam and puliyogare.
  3. Eating tamarind as sweets might be an excellent alternative.


Other foods, in addition to tamarind, must also be consumed. As a pregnancy tip, remember to incorporate a variety of nutritious elements into a dish for a complete nutritional balance. If you have a tamarind craving while pregnant, make sure your partner and caregivers know so they can prevent you from consuming too much, which can harm the developing fetus.

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