Converting a JPG image to an digiembroidery file involves a process called digitizing, where the image is transformed into a format that an embroidery machine can read and stitch. This process requires specialized software and some manual adjustments to ensure the final design stitches out correctly. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Step-by-Step Guide to Convert JPG to Embroidery File

Tools Needed

  1. Embroidery Digitizing Software: Examples include Wilcom, Hatch, Brother PE-Design, Embird, and Ink/Stitch (a free plugin for Inkscape).

Steps to Digitize a JPG Image

  1. Prepare the JPG Image:
    • Ensure the image is high-resolution and clear.
    • Simplify the design if it is too complex, as intricate details may not translate well to embroidery.
  2. Import the Image:
    • Open your embroidery digitizing software.
    • Import the JPG image into the software.
  3. Adjust the Image:
    • Crop and resize the image to fit the desired embroidery area.
    • Clean up the image by removing any unwanted background or noise.
  4. Trace the Design:
    • Use the digitizing tools to manually trace the elements of the image.
    • Assign stitch types (satin, fill, run) to different parts of the design.
    • Adjust the stitch direction, density, and underlay settings to optimize for embroidery.
  5. Set the Stitch Parameters:
    • Define the stitch density, length, and type for each section of the design.
    • Add underlay stitches to provide a stable base for the top stitches.
  6. Preview and Adjust:
    • Use the software’s preview feature to simulate the stitching process.
    • Make necessary adjustments to ensure the design looks good and will stitch out correctly.
  7. Save the Design:
    • Save the digitized design in the format required by your embroidery machine (e.g., .dst, .pes, .exp).
  8. Test the Design:
    • Transfer the file to your embroidery machine and run a test stitch on a sample fabric.
    • Check for any issues like gaps, thread breaks, or misalignment and make adjustments if needed.

Example Using Ink/Stitch (Free Option)

  1. Download and Install Inkscape and Ink/Stitch:
    • Download Inkscape from
    • Install the Ink/Stitch extension from Ink/Stitch.
  2. Import the JPG Image:
    • Open Inkscape and import the JPG image (File > Import).
  3. Trace and Digitize:
    • Use the tracing tools in Inkscape to manually trace the parts of the image.
    • Apply the Ink/Stitch parameters to assign stitch types and adjust settings.
  4. Simulate and Save:
    • Use the Ink/Stitch Preview feature to simulate the embroidery.
    • Save the design in a compatible format (e.g., .dst).
  5. Test and Finalize:
    • Transfer the file to your embroidery machine.
    • Perform a test stitch and make necessary adjustments.

Professional Digitizing Services

If you prefer not to do it yourself, you can use professional digitizing services. They can convert your JPG image to an embroidery file for a fee, ensuring high quality and accuracy.

Reputable Services

  • Absolute Digitizing
  • Eagle Digitizing
  • DigitEMB
  • Idigitizing
  • Embroidery Designs


Embroidery digitizing can be intricate and requires practice, but with the right tools and careful adjustments, you can convert a JPG image into a high-quality embroidery file. If you need specific assistance with your design or have more questions, feel free to ask!